/ / Symptoms of prostate cancer, the causes of the disease and treatment

Symptoms of prostate cancer, causes of illness and treatment

Prostate cancer is the most commonmen oncological disease. Mostly it occurs in the stronger sex at the age of 45-50 years, but by 65-70 years the risk of the appearance of malignant neoplasm increases. A feature of this type of cancer is the slow growth of the tumor. Therefore, in the early stages of the disease, when there is a possibility to overcome it, it is difficult to recognize any signs. So what are the symptoms of prostate cancer?

Causes of the development of ailment

Symptoms of prostate cancer

The causes of prostate cancer can be divided into three categories:

• heredity;
• enlargement of the prostate gland;
• exposure to carcinogenic factors.

The risk category includes people:

• with poor heredity (direct relatives have prostate cancer);
• working in printing houses, on welding and rubber industries, having contact with cadmium;
• Observing a diet with a high fat content and low fiber content;
• having a benign, but rapidly progressing prostate tumor (adenoma);
• living in poor environmental conditions;
• in the elderly.


Prostate cancer, the symptoms of which arethe initial stages are very difficult to determine, resembles the usual adenoma. The only method of detection in this case is a blood test to check the PSA level. The following are the symptoms of prostate cancer:

The first signs of prostate cancer
1. Frequent urge to urinate, including at night.
2. Burning and cutting pain during urination.
3. Violation of erection and ejaculation.
4. Feeling of incomplete emptying when urinating.
5. Lean and constantly interrupted stream.
6. Hematuria (the presence of any amount of blood in the urine).

When metastasizing a cancerous tumor into the urethra, there may be the following symptoms:

1. Acute pain in the lumbar region.
2. Increased ureters and kidneys.
3. Stones in the kidneys.

These are the first signs of prostate cancer. In the late stages of the above symptoms, exhaustion is added due to intoxication of the body.

Stages of

Prostate Cancer

Symptoms of prostate cancer,discussed above, can vary depending on the degree of the disease. Stage I - no specific symptoms found. The diagnosis is randomly established by examining distant adenomas. Stage II - there are no signs of impaired urination. Rectal analysis makes it possible to detect densification in the gland, and a biopsy to finally confirm the diagnosis. There are no metastases at this stage. Stage III - problems with urination (frequency, hematuria, and so on). Metastases appear in the lateral walls of the pelvis and in the base of the bladder. In 50% of them are also found in pelvic lymph nodes and retroperitoneal. Stage IV - the tumor reaches its maximum size. Metastases are found in bones and other organs.


In the early stages of the disease, when the symptoms of cancerprostate gland does not manifest itself, you can completely heal with surgical intervention (radical prostatectomy). In the III and IV stages, when metastases appear in other tissues and organs, combined treatment with the use of female hormones is used. This allows you to cause a persistent remission and prolong the life of the patient.

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