Medication "Diklak Gel". Instructions for use
The medicine "Diklak Gel" refers toanti-inflammatory drugs of the non-steroidal group. The drug is used externally. Active ingredient is sodium diclofenac - a derivative of phenylacetic acid. The medicine has a local anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antirheumatic effect. The activity of the drug is based on the ability of the active substance to inhibit the synthesis of painful and inflammatory mediators. Thanks to the action of the medication, an increase in the volume of movements of the affected joints, a decrease in severe pain both at rest and during movement is noted. When penetrating the skin, partial and slow absorption occurs.

The drug "Diklak Gel". Instructions for use. Indications
Medication recommended for eliminationsoreness, inflammation and puffiness on the background of rheumatic processes in the soft tissue area. Indications include arthritis, neuropathy in the brachial plexus, myositis, tendinitis, tendovaginitis. The medicine is prescribed for industrial, sports, domestic injuries, sprains, bruises. Indications include pathologies in the joints of degenerative nature (arthrosis of the knee joints).
The drug "Diklak Gel". Instructions for use

The medicine is applied in a thin layer. Frequency of use per day - no more than 2-3 times. For a single application, a strip of liniment length of 4-8 cm is sufficient. The duration of the use of the drug is from 10 to 14 days.
Medication "Diklak Gel". Instructions for use. Contraindications
Do not prescribe medicine for intolerancecomponents, in children under 6 years. Due to the poor knowledge of the effect of the drug on the background of pregnancy and lactation, as well as the lack of necessary information on its safety during these periods, it is not recommended to administer the medication to nursing patients and during gestation. If necessary, breastfeeding should be stopped.

The drug "Diklak Gel". Instructions for use. Adverse Reactions
Against the background of frequent use most oftenallergic manifestations are noted. In particular, the patients experience itching, redness, irritation of the cover. Systemic side reactions usually occur when using a large amount of liniment or when applying it to large areas for a long time. To the negative consequences of the use of the drug "Diklak Gel" (patients' reviews confirm this) include exanthems, burning, dry skin.
additional information
The medicine should be used with caution whenthe presence of asthma attacks, a predisposition to allergic reactions, allergic rhinitis and other manifestations caused by the taking of painkillers and NPVM in the anamnesis. In such cases, it is recommended that a careful assessment of the risk-benefit ratio be made before starting treatment.
Diclac Gel". Instructions. Price
The drug in pharmacies can be found at a cost of 200 rubles.