Acne on the back and shoulders: causes and treatment
Conglobata acne is a particular form of the disease,which is characterized by a large accumulation of large acne globular. They are located in deep layers of the skin. Most often they can be found on the back, shoulders, hands and those places where there is a thin fat layer. Naturally, such acne delivers not only physical discomfort, but also psychological.
Acne on the back and shoulders should be sureIt is impossible to start the disease. It should be noted that it is quite difficult to cope with it, but with a competent approach it is quite possible. So, first of all, you should change your diet. To do this, try to eat in small portions, exclude fatty and spicy dishes. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Very harmful for the body in this case is alcohol. If you have problems with the digestive tract, try to eliminate them. It is also desirable to take care of the immune system. To do this, take the vitamins, which you will appoint a doctor.
Acne on the back and shoulders is desirable to treat andin other ways. Inflamed places very well eliminates ultraviolet. So a person with a sick skin should get a little tan. And the most effective are the sun's rays. They perfectly disinfect the skin and promote its healing. Naturally, one should not overdo it, since the sun's rays in large quantities can be harmful.
Eliminate acne on the back and shoulders whenhelp baths with sea salt, as well as wiping the broths of chamomile, calendula and oak bark. If there is a possibility, then masks from clay, mud and algae wrappings will be useful.
Doctors can prescribe disinfectant ointments,which will remove the inflammatory process and reduce the number of foci. In any case, whichever method of treatment you choose, you should carry out the process carefully and persistently. Only in this case you can overcome the problem. Be healthy!