How to treat pharyngitis in children
Pharyngitis is a very common disease, often referred to as a cold. The disease is an inflammation of the pharynx mucosa.
Pharyngitis in children causes infection (bacterialor viral), penetrating into the nasopharynx and developing against a background of reduced immunity. The development of pharyngitis provokes cold (general hypothermia or the use of cold drink or ice cream).
Extremely infectious viral pharyngitis. In children going to kindergarten or school, infection occurs very quickly, since the path of spread is airborne. Bacterial pharyngitis develops either against the background of the existing virus, or as an independent disease. Of the five cases of pharyngitis, four of them have a rhinovirus nature. Also, adenovirus, influenza virus or parainfluenza contribute to the development of the disease. Another way of infection is the gastrointestinal tract. Chronic gastritis promotes the ingestion of gastric contents into the pharynx, leading to the development of a fungal infection. Nasopharyngitis in children, or inflammation of the nasopharynx, can develop as a result of foreign body entry.
There are several types related to the disease, like pharyngitis. In children, treatment depends not only on the nature of the disease, but also on the weak and vulnerable immune system of children.
Based on the nature of pharyngitis, the disease is divided into viral, bacterial, traumatic, allergic, fungal or the one that acts as the body's response to irritation.
Known symptoms of pharyngitis are pain when swallowing, the desire to clear your throat, perspiration. The acute form begins with the deterioration of the generalstate, feelings of weakness, high temperature. If you start the disease, then further development leads to the appearance of a cold. In children, development of the common cold occurs significantly faster than in adults, so it is important to recognize the problem in time to start treatment before complications develop.
When identifying symptoms, consultation is neededwith a specialist who will give instructions on how to treat pharyngitis in children. As a topical treatment, the most preferred methods are dry warming compresses on the throat, as well as frequent throat rinses with antiseptic solutions. Children are very fond of lollipops, which are often prescribed by doctors. The patient is given a warm abundant drink. Well-proven inhalation, providing anti-inflammatory, analgesic and soothing effect.
Antibiotics take for a given disease only incase of confirmation of a bacterial or fungal nature. However, in view of the fact that pharyngitis most often has a viral nature, which is not affected by antibiotics, only a specialist doctor can prescribe them. If traumatic pharyngitis is defined, antibacterial drugs may be prescribed to prevent complications.
It is especially difficult to get rid of this ailmentbabies, as the local treatment of the sore throat is almost impossible - the baby still does not know how to gargle or suck lollipops. In addition, pediatricians do not recommend the use of inhalers in case of infant disease, since inhalation can cause life-threatening bronchospasm. Breast children are prescribed, as a rule, dry warming compresses and taking fortified preparations. Runny nose is treated by cleaning the nasal passages, rinsing and instillation of drops into the nose, which the pediatrician should appoint. In order to prevent pharyngitis from becoming chronic, one should take certain preventive measures - avoid hypothermia, prevent the patient from cold drinking, avoid overheating the baby. The room where the child is located should not only be warm, but also well ventilated.
The measures taken to prevent pharyngitis will help make a cold disease a rare visitor in your home.