How to correct posture
Saddle-back is able to spoil even the mostimpeccable proportions of the body. But not only for the sake of beauty it is necessary to develop and maintain a correct posture. This should be done in order to maintain health for many years. Therefore, each person with a similar problem should be interested in the question of how to correct posture.
As is known, defects in posture can lead toa number of diseases that worsen the quality of life. This - osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine, leading to pain in the neck, lower back, thoracic region, headaches, intervertebral hernias. The habit of stooping leads to a violation of breathing, circulation and cardiac activity, and also causes rapid fatigue and chronic fatigue.
Where does stoop appear and how to fix itposture? Curvature of the spine begins to form in childhood. This leads to a long sitting at the school desk and at the computer in a skewed state, uncomfortable furniture in schools and at home, the habit of slouching at high growth and with the desire of girls to hide the growing breasts, the early wearing of shoes with high heels.
The cause of poor posture are diseases,Related to the curvature of the spine: kyphosis, scoliosis, lordosis. At a scoliosis the backbone curves sideways, at a kyphosis deflection back in the field of a breast is formed, at a lordosis - the lumbar sector bends forward.
The stoop arises if the muscles,responsible for good posture, are poorly developed. Even if a person tries to keep his or her back, weak muscles will not allow him to do this for long, because they will quickly get tired, and besides that, joint and muscle pain will appear. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to carry out correction of posture. Exercises on the simulators, pilates, dancing, yoga - all this has a beneficial effect on maintaining a straight back.
It is easiest to correct the posture in childhood, but if desired and perseverance, this can be done as an adult.
If the cause of stoop - a weak muscular corset,then you can form a straight back with the help of exercises. How to correct posture with exercise? The main condition for success is regularity. Exercising from time to time will not lead to the desired result. Exercises aimed at combating stoop should be done every day, and even better - twice a day.
To correct posture, exercises that stretch the muscles, increase the flexibility of the spine and strengthen the muscles of the back, chest and abdominals.
Stretching makes the muscles elastic. The following stretching exercises should be performed.
Sitting on his knees, his hands closed behind the back of the castle. Trying to raise your hands as high as possible while straining the abdominal press. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds. Exhaling, head down to his chest and relax. Perform 10 times.
Sitting in Turkish, raise his hands folded in the lock as high as possible above his hands and stretch. When you lower your hands, exhale as much as possible. Perform 10 times.
Exercise stretching the spine. Lying on your stomach, tear off your hands, feet and head from the floor and try to keep as long as possible, without touching the floor.
To strengthen the back musculature, simple exercises can be done.
Lie on your back, knees bent at the kneesfeet on the floor. Tear off the buttocks from the floor to the maximum height and hold for about 10 seconds. This exercise can be done in another way: leaning on the back of the head and feet.
Sit on the floor, put your hands behind the floor. Taz lift, bend over, head back. Hold for a few seconds.
Lie on a soft stool down the stomach, lowered legsto fix. The head, shoulders and arms are tilted forward. Slowly raise your head and shoulders, while spreading your arms to the sides. Hold this position for about 7 seconds. Exercise can be performed with dumbbells of 3 kilograms.
To correct posture, you can walk and crouch with a small load on your head, for example, with a book.
In diseases of the spine, posture correctionshould be carried out under the supervision of a physician. How to correct the posture in the curvature of the spine? To do this, carry out a set of activities. Treatment can include special gymnastics, swimming, manual therapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, massage. Assign wearing corsets, bandages, head holders, orthopedic insoles. Apply vitamin D, calcium preparations, if necessary - analgesics and antispasmodics. In especially severe cases, surgery is performed.