/ / Hormone progesterone: what is it, and what does it need a woman's body for

Hormone progesterone: what is it, and what does it need a woman's body for

What is progesterone?
Probably everyone knows that from the work of hormonalmuch depends on the body. But about what hormones exist, why they are needed and in general as everything happens, not everyone knows. So why not go into it?

About progesterone

The name of this hormone is widely known, but herewhat exactly is it for? First, it is better to understand the very concept. So, what is progesterone? As it became clear, this is a specific hormone. It is produced by the so-called yellow body of a woman's body (which, however, if conception does not occur, perishes approximately in the second week of the cycle, and then again reborn). This hormone is necessary to maintain the menstrual cycle, and it is very important for pregnancy.

progesterone level
About work

So, it is clear that it is simply necessary for a womanbody hormone such as progesterone. What is it, already figured out, now we should better consider his work. In addition to the above, this hormone is necessary in order to stimulate the production of an endometrial protein, which must prepare the uterus for fetal growth. And progesterone stimulates this action. If fertilization does not occur, the endometrium exfoliates and leaves with the monthly, and progesterone production temporarily decreases. In the opposite case, the work of this hormone is very important for the woman's body, since it supports the uterus during pregnancy - stimulates growth, suppresses contractions, etc. Also, progesterone affects the preparation of the mammary glands for the birth of a child - it stimulates the production of milk.


Already knowing enough about such a hormone asprogesterone - what it is and why it is needed by the body, we need to consider also its normal level. After all, it is very important that it is enough, but without an overabundance, it is not good for the body and may indicate the presence of health problems. So, this hormone is measured in units such as nmol / liter. It should be noted that its level may fluctuate. He will be different for pregnant women, for women who take oral contraceptives, and also during menopause. Therefore, if you need to understand what the norm of progesterone should be for a woman, it is important to consider these factors.

low progesterone

Having handed over the next analyzes, the woman can seerecord on a leaflet "low progesterone". But what does this mean? It is better, of course, to ask your doctor who directed the tests. However, he already has to tell everything. But you can try to figure it out yourself. For women who are not pregnant, a low level of progesterone means the presence of the following problems: cycle failure, absence of ovulation, possible inflammatory processes and even uterine bleeding. What will a similar hormone level tell pregnant women? There may arise such problems as the threat of miscarriage, retention, delayed development of the fetus.

A lot of

And if you have increased progesterone? What is it, what can it affect? First of all, it is necessary to understand exactly, and whether the woman is pregnant. If not, this may indicate that there are cycle disorders, there may be uterine bleeding between menstruation, and there are problems with the work of the adrenal glands.

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