/ / Asthenic syndrome - what is it? Causes and symptoms of asthenia

Asthenic syndrome - what is it? Causes and symptoms of asthenia

Asthenia is considered to be one of the mostthe most common problems in medical practice. No one is immune to such a disorder. So why there is an asthenic syndrome? What is it and what symptoms are accompanied? What methods of treatment do doctors offer?

cerebral asthenia syndrome

Asthenic syndrome - what is it?

"Asthenia" refers to the condition that accompaniesgradually emerging psychopathological disorders. As a rule, the syndrome is accompanied by chronic fatigue and some vegetative disorders. Modern researchers explain the occurrence of asthenia by a gradual depletion of the nervous system, which is often observed with some severe disease of the body. It is interesting that such a disorder can appear both simultaneously with the primary disease, and during the rehabilitation period.

The main causes of development of asthenia

As already mentioned, this syndrome can beassociated with the depletion of the nervous system, inadequate amounts of nutrients, vitamins, oxygen, etc. This condition is often diagnosed in cardiology, neurology, gynecology and many other branches of modern medicine.

To date, there are many schemesclassification of such a violation. Organic asthenia is accompanied by brain damage. The risk factors include inflammatory and infectious diseases of the nervous system, as well as tumors, craniocerebral trauma. For example, cerebral-asthenic syndrome is caused by a violation of blood flow in the cerebral vessels. Colds, pneumonia, ulcers, chronic gastritis, hepatitis - all this can lead to depletion of the central nervous system.

Isolate and functional asthenic syndrome. What it is? This disorder, as a rule, is associated with mental and physical fatigue, severe stress.

What are the symptoms of asthenia?

Most often, asthenia is a chronic disease and develops gradually. It all starts with a mild ailment. It is accepted to distinguish several basic features:

asthenic syndrome what is it

  • Nervous-asthenic syndrome is accompanied bychronic fatigue. Even rest and prolonged sleep do not help a person regain strength. Gradually decreases working capacity - the patient experiences difficulties at work, there are problems with memory and concentration.
  • Sleep disorders are characteristic of this condition. Some people suffer from insomnia. Others can not fall asleep or experience weakness after awakening. In any case, even a prolonged sleep does not restore strength, so during the day the patient suffers from constant attacks of drowsiness.
  • Due to constant fatigue and drowsinesspsychoemotional disorders also appear. Some patients become unnecessarily irritable and nervous, often and quickly lose their temper. Others, on the contrary, are apathetic, slow and unreceptive. Often one can observe sharp changes in mood.
  • Exhaustion of the nervous system affects the workof the whole organism. There are some vegetative disorders that accompany the asthenic syndrome. What are these disorders? First of all, tachycardia, chills or fever in the body, increased sweating. Sometimes patients suffer from headaches, changes in blood pressure, decrease in potency.

nervously asthenic syndrome

Methods of treatment of asthenia

Of course, at first the patient must undergo a completeexamination, because it is important to determine the cause of asthenic syndrome. Most often, patients are recommended taking nootropics and neuroprotectors, which help restore the functions of the central nervous system. Nevertheless, the only effective method of treatment is the creation of an optimal mode of work and rest.

In the first months, patients arerest, in particular sanatorium treatment. It is extremely important diet - food should be nutritious and contain all useful substances in the required quantities. Successful treatment is possible only with the creation of a relaxed atmosphere at work and in the family.

In the most severe cases, patients need regular sessions with psychiatrists, taking antidepressants and antipsychotics.

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