Preventative massage for children up to 1 year
In order for the baby to develop well and haveresistant immunity, it is necessary to constantly engage in gymnastics and breathing exercises, daily hygienic massage and exercises on fitball. Who will do the baby massage, it's up to you. It is important to get a consultation with a pediatrician and specialists in advance to exclude contraindications to the massage.
Massage of children of the first year of life is simply necessary. This procedure improves blood circulation and the work of all the organs of the baby. The massage technique will be shown to the mother in the clinic, so you do not need to be afraid. Mom's hands for a little man will be much nicer and more tender. And mother's communication with the child at this time, nothing will replace.
Preventative massage for children up to 1 yearaccompanied by a quiet and pleasant music, affectionate words and songs, which the mother sings to her child. During the classes, you can learn English with an infant, shape his musical preferences and develop the ability to respond to the world around him.
First you need to determine the type of baby's skin,in this you can help the children's doctor. It is important to choose the right oil, which would be completely absorbed into the baby's skin and did not cover the pores. When choosing the oil, you must pay attention to the period of manufacture, whether it is suitable for newborn children, so that it easily slides over the skin of the baby and does not cause an allergic reaction.
Basic rules of massage
1.Massage is carried out 1-1.5 hours after feeding
2. You can go out after a massage after half an hour
3. Duration depends on the child's age, from 5 to 20 minutes
4. Must take into account the mood of the baby. When vagaries, crying, you should abandon the procedure and try to establish the cause of the negative attitude to massage
5. Before the procedure, remove all ornaments, wash and warm hands, cut short nails, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the child
6. If the baby's skin is oily, use powder or talcum powder. With normal and dry skin, use special baby oils
7. Massage for children up to the year always begin with the head, neck and face
8. Massing movements of hands light, clockwise, without pressure
9. The room should be ventilated.
10. The temperature in it is maintained within 21-23 degrees
11. Massage on a hard surface
12. It is not recommended to do a massage before bedtime
13. Never leave your baby alone for a second to avoid injury
Massage for children 2 months begins withstroking the whole body. All movements are directed from the hands to the shoulder, from the foot to the hip. They should be smooth, do not grasp the joint, do not allow sharp movements and pressure. The technique of pediatric prophylactic massage includes stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.
New elements are introduced gradually. Stroking relaxes the muscles of the baby, it calms down. If the child remains tense, capricious, then you are doing something wrong, or he is sick. With age, the child is stroked at the beginning of the classes and ends with a massage, and also after rubbing and other technical movements.
Rubbing is carried out after three months andperform a thumb pad. It is important to pay attention that the skin of the kid is not stretched. Mening is done more vigorously, but gently, slightly pinching the child's skin. Vibration consists in pokolachivanii an edge of a palm and tapping by pads of fingers on a back and on a breast.
All movements of the mother conducts in a certainsequence. First legs, then hands, stomach and chest. Then the child is turned over on a stomach and massages a back and buttocks. Finish the massage of the back surface of the feet and feet. During the massage to bypass the liver, you can not tap on the kidneys, touch the genitals and the eye area.
Contraindicated massage for children up to one year:
- at high temperature,
- with pustules and inflammation of the baby's skin,
- when subcutaneous tissue and lymph nodes are affected (eczema, phlegmon, lymphadenitis),
- with severe form of rickets,
- with tuberculosis of bones,
- with congenital heart disease,
- with hernias that can be hurt,
- with severe diseases, accompanied by brittle bones.
Massage for children up to one year is excellenthardening factor, so it is carried out when the child is absolutely naked. If the room is cool, it is advisable to cover the baby with a warm diaper, and leave only part of the body to be naked, which is massaged. Usually children love massage. The older the child becomes, the more active he begins to "help" Mom.