/ / The drug "Longidase". Testimonials, indications

The drug "Longidase". Testimonials, indications

The medicine "Longidase" (3000 or 1500 IU) possessesenzymatic, proteolytic effects. The medicine is produced in the form of suppositories, powder lyophilized for the preparation of injections. Active ingredients: azoxime bromide and hyaluronidase.

The drug "Longidase" is a conjugate (compound) of hyaluronidase and a water-soluble high-molecular carrier.

After parenteral administration, the drugis subject to rapid systemic absorption. The maximum concentration is noted after twenty-twenty-five minutes. The drug is quickly distributed throughout the body. With rectal administration of suppositories of maximum concentration, the drug reaches an hour later.

The drug "Longidase" (reviews of experts confirm this) has a long-lasting effect, as well as antioxidant, immunomodulating, chelating, anti-inflammatory properties.

Duration of drug exposureis achieved by covalent bonding of the enzyme gilururonidase with its active physiological carrier, which, in turn, also has its pharmacological activity.

The drug "Longidase" has antifibroticeffect, weakening the course of the acute inflammatory phase. The medication regulates the synthesis of inflammatory mediators, enhances the humoral immune response, increases the body's resistance to infection.

Therapeutic doses of "Longidase" (reviewsdoctors confirm this) does not provoke a worsening of the state after or during an operative intervention, does not cause the development of an infectious process, does not slow the regeneration of bone tissue.

In the course of the studies, no carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic and embryotoxic effects of the drug on the body were detected.

The drug "Longidasa" is recommended for patients with 12years as part of combined therapy in pathologies complicated by connective tissue hyperplasia. The indications include alveolitis, pneumofibrosis, tuberculosis. The medication is prescribed for adhesions in the small pelvis, chronic interstitial cystitis.

The drug "Longidase" is recommended in cosmetology,surgery, orthopedics for wounds that do not heal for a long time. The medicine is prescribed in dermatovenerology with limited scleroderma of different localization.

Lyophilized powder is additionally usedwith keloid, hypertrophic scars, as well as scars after surgery, burns, injuries, pyoderma. Injections are prescribed for hematomas, arthritis, joint contractures, for adhesions. The drug increases the bioavailability of diagnostic and medicinal products.

Medication "Longitude" (candles) instructionrecommends the use of chronic prostatitis, Peyronie's disease, strictures of ureters and urethra. Apply suppositories in the initial stage of benign hyperplasia in the prostate. The medicine is also used in the prevention of scar formation, strictures after operations on the ureters, bladder, urethra.

In gynecology, the drug "Longidase" is used for intrauterine snehiae, chronic endomyometritis.

The drug is contraindicated in malignant neoplasms. The medicine "Longidase" is not prescribed (doctors' answers are unambiguous in this) during pregnancy, and also in childhood (up to 12 years).

With caution use the drug for kidney failure, as well as the presence of an anamnesis of pulmonary hemorrhages.

"Longidase" remedy (reviews of patientstestify to this) practically does not cause adverse reactions. In some cases, allergic reactions may occur. When injected, there is sometimes a pain in the injection site.

Before using the medication "Longidase" is recommended to consult a doctor.

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