/ / Warts on the legs

Warts on the legs

Today, the secret of what is openthere are warts. It's a kind of virus that gets into the body through small cracks on the skin. This is one of the most common diseases, with the exception of acne.

Most often, warts appear on the legs and hands. People say that it is the frogs that are the cause of their appearance, but this is not so, the creation data here absolutely nothing to do with. Warts are some kind of light skin tumors. Often people try to get rid of them on their own, at the same time very risky, as it is possible to bring an infection. But over time, after removal they can again appear in the same place. Warts come from viruses, most often they are papillomaviruses. Quite often people confuse these formations with calluses.

A wart on the leg appears as a resultinfection with the virus. If you have close contact with a patient, then the possibility of the disease increases. Warts can appear after you bathe in public places, for example, in a sauna or pool. They also arise from uncomfortable and cramped shoes. It is also possible that after the appearance of one may appear from 5 to 20 warts.
Do not forget that reducing immunity, stressful situations can affect the process.

Wart on the toe, such formations are oftencalled plantar, has a gray color, it is very hard to the touch and has a round shape, and it is also rough, usually located on the pads of the toes. People who have such warts often suffer from discomfort when walking. But it is also known that in 40-60% of cases they disappear themselves, and you do not need to do anything. If healing does not occur, then you need to see a doctor.

Warts on the legs are themselves contagious andharmful among all. Infection by them occurs just in those places where people walk most without shoes. Their appearance is most often promoted by moisture. Also they can be picked up when using shared shoes, without applying the proper hygiene to it.
From the moment when a person has infected an infection, and before the appearance of warts, months and even years can pass. They do not appear immediately.

In order to avoid this infection, you do not need towalk barefoot in public places, every time after the street carefully wash their hands, wear loose and quality shoes, take care of their immune system,

There are many ways how to be treatedwarts, and most of them are folk methods. Warts on the legs should be steamed in hot water with soda, then gently need to remove the coarse layer and dry them, put a piece of fresh meat on top. Also helps the peel from the banana. Such warts can be treated with celandine juice and smear them in the morning and evening. If they are small, then they can be brought out with juice from a young dandelion. Warts on the legs are treated with garlic. But you need to remember that treatment with folk methods can lead to inflammation of the tissues. Most often, they remove initially the most important borozhavku, after which all the others disappear by themselves.

As for traditional medicine, the wartson the legs are treated with the help of freezing with liquid nitrogen, as well as electrical regulation - this process is performed with the help of a thin loop, which the wart is cut off. This operation is almost painless. Laserocoagulation is a procedure in which a wart is removed by a laser, it is carried out in several stages, as it is removed layer by layer. Another option is to perform a small operation, and use a scalpel to remove the wart. If it was large, then the skin is sewn up.

We can conclude: you need to monitor the cleanliness of the legs, and in no case do not try to treat malignant warts themselves.

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