/ / Ramenskaya Dental Clinic: reviews and address

Ramenskaya stomatologic polyclinic: reviews and address

Ramenskaya stomatologic polyclinic - known institution of a municipal nature,located in the Moscow region. It is famous for a large list of dental services, many of which do not require payment from certain segments of the population. More about this clinic we speak next.

Ramenskoye Dental Clinic

Where is the clinic?

There is a Ramenskaya stomatologic polyclinicin the city of Ramenskoye, Moscow Region. Find this medical institution is not difficult, since it is located almost in the very center of the city. When searching for it as a guide, pay attention to the nearby railway station and bus station.

Working Ramenskaya dental clinic (its address: Railway Ave, 5) daily from 8 am to 8 pm. On Saturday and Sunday, dentistry is open from 8am to 1pm. Reception of citizens is carried out without breaks and days off. The exception is the city and state holidays.

Ramenskoye dental polyclinic electronic registry

General information about the clinic

Ramenskaya dental clinic worksin the territory of the region for a long time. Its tasks include ambulatory polyclinic and medical care for citizens residing in the suburban and rural areas. Serving in this municipal institution is mainly adult residents and pensioners.

At present, the polyclinicorthopedic, surgical, therapeutic, orthopedic services for the population. Specialists of dentistry perform planned examinations, solve the problem of filling and cleaning channels, install implants and make prostheses according to individual sizes.

Ramenskoye dental clinic reviews

Which departments work on the basis of dentistry?

On the territory of the clinic the following departments function:

  • Therapeutic.
  • Surgical.
  • Orthopedic.
  • Orthodontic.
  • Children's.

All these departments have a dentalDirectivity. For example, therapists-dentists help to examine a caries-affected tooth. They are engaged in its treatment and possible restoration. And during the treatment they use seals of domestic and foreign production.

According to the stories of many users, the first one can beinstall for free, but for the second will have to lay out a certain amount of money. True, this amount is not so great (if you compare it with similar clinics).

Orthopedic specialists perform prosthetics andinstallation of implants, permanent and removable bridges. They eliminate problems with defects in teeth by installing crowns of cermets or metal plastic.

Ramenskoye Dental Clinic Address

What other rooms are there at the clinic?

On the basis of the clinic, a modernX-ray room. It is here that the equipment is installed capable of performing a survey radiography of the facial, temporal and maxillary areas. On the territory of dentistry there is also operating and sterilization, which is necessary for the full-scale processing of medical instruments. The dental laboratory also operates here.

A few words about the cost of services

Since the Ramenskaya stomatologic polyclinicis partially state, most of the services that it offers are provided at no cost. But provided that the patient has an appropriate policy of compulsory health insurance. Also, certain benefits are given to holders of a pension certificate and representatives of other unprotected strata of the population.

By what principle is the reception of citizens?

Admission of patients wishing to attend thismedical institution, performed by appointment. It is carried out in the registry of dentistry. In this case, patients with acute dental pain are served without queue and recording.

However, according to many clinic clients,enroll in the hospital registry is quite difficult. For this, it is necessary to arrive long before its official opening. This approach to the problem will allow you to partially get rid of standing in the queue and significantly increase your chances of getting a coupon.

For an appointment, each patient must have:

  • Health insurance policy.
  • Passport.
  • The original of the birth certificate (when visiting the children's department).

dental polyclinic

Ramenskaya stomatologic polyclinic: "Electronic registry"

Since recently in the dental clinicRamensky municipal district earned "electronic registry." This service, implemented with the support of the main department of the Moscow region, allows you to make a record to specialists in a remote mode. In particular, you can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Through the Internet.
  • Using the phone.
  • Through the menu of special information kiosks.

When registering through the informationkiosks in the menu of electronic services it is necessary to select the tab "Ramenskaya stomatologic polyclinic". How to get to this organization, you already know. We remind you that you need to get to the bus station or railway station. Therefore, after completing the registration, you will only have to get a coupon and come to the clinic on the specified date and time.

How to enroll in the clinic via the Internet?

To record online, you must do the following:

  • Go to the portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow region.
  • Register and undergo a simple verification with confirmation of your e-mail address (for quick authorization it is necessary to specify your health policy number).
  • Choose from the menu "All services".
  • Find and go to the card with the words "Electronic pre-recording".
  • Press the "Register" button.
  • Select the time and confirm the entry.
  • Receive a special electronic ticket to the e-mail address specified at registration.

This is how an electronic record takes place in such an organization as the Ramenskaya dental clinic (you will find reviews about it in this article).

What can you say about the clinic?

About this dentistry you can hear a variety ofreviews. For example, many users are quite happy with the possibility of a remote recording to a specialist. Others complain that this system is underdeveloped, as there is no coherence between the site of the registrar and the clinic itself.

Basically, most citizens respond positively to the quality of the services provided by the clinic. But there are rare exceptions.

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