/ / High blood pressure: the main causes and consequences

Increased blood pressure: the main causes and consequences

Elevated blood pressure isa common problem that appears with age in both men and women. The threat of the progression of hypertension is skyrocketing from the age of 45, although, as medical practice shows, the increase in vascular pressure may worsen at a younger age. People with hereditary predisposition, as well as the predominance of excess body weight, also fall into the risk zone. It is also dangerous that arterial hypertension can dominate the human body asymptomatically, that is, there is no way to detect it for many years, after all it is already proved that every third patient does not even suspect about his disease.

However, one should not panic in advance, since high blood pressure is not considered a fatal disease and is productively treated and normalized by the means of modern medicine.

To begin with, we determine that the conversation about increasedarterial pressure is relevant only when the resting pressure is significantly overstated at rest, that is, exceed the permissible values ​​from 110/70 to 139/89 mm Hg. However, it is important to clarify that the short-term increase in pressure after emotional or physical exertion is the norm and does not cause significant anxiety in the leading cardiologist.

If you still have high blood pressure, the causes of this pathological process have the following specific features.

1. Blood thickening. A similar phenomenon is observed when the body is dehydrated, that is, when the cells do not receive the required dose of water. So, a person who uses little water or replaces it with other drinks, exposes his body to the process of degradation, as a result of which the blood condenses, provoking a characteristic pathological process.

2. Dominance of cholesterol in the blood. This phenomenon contributes to an increase in the fat content of the blood, due to inadequate production of enzymes.

3. Protein in the blood. If the exposed amount of protein is localized in the blood, then it becomes viscous, but dense blood to the heart is more difficult to pump.

4. Increased adrenaline. Constant stress and emotional overexcitation also have a detrimental effect on the work of the heart.

Anyway, also do not forget that hypertension can be provoked by existing diseases in the body or by taking certain medications.

Increased blood pressure in men andwomen requires timely diagnosis and productive treatment. Knowledgeable and experienced cardiologists have in stock a wide range of antihypertensive drugs that can not only reduce, but also contain the growth of blood pressure. Here we are talking about diuretics, or diuretics; beta-blockers, whose action is aimed at normalizing the strength and heart rate; as well as on ACE, blocking the production of an enzyme for vasoconstriction.

Also today, a newpharmacological group represented by angiotensin II receptor blockers, based on the action of the potent vasoconstrictor Angiotensin II. Its active ingredient aldosterone delays the excretion of water and salt by the kidneys. It is necessary to focus on the fact that there is a habituation effect, so very often it is necessary to change the alternative treatment regimen.

It is important to clarify that elevated arterialpressure is chronic and prone to relapses, so it’s hardly possible to maintain its optimal level without the use of medications, and they should be taken for life, that is, in fact, “live on pills”. You also need to pay attention to prevention and significantly change your diet, filling it with a balanced and wholesome food, and correct your habitual lifestyle, completely eliminating the emotional shakes of the body.

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