/ / In which cases does the navel hurt?

In which cases does the navel hurt?

Pain in the navel can not be ignored, since itcan signal the presence of any serious disease. Pain inside the navel is considered the most unpleasant, because when they arise, it is impossible to sit, stand and walk normally. The reasons for the appearance of pain may be several, and it is not possible to determine them independently. That's why if you have a navel, visit a specialist should not be postponed in any case. The doctor will not only conduct a preliminary diagnosis, but also send the patient to a more detailed study of the causes of the onset of pain. As mentioned above, pain in the navel can occur with several diseases.

Acute appendicitis

Refers to the most common acutediseases of organs in the abdominal cavity and requires a rapid surgical response. A sharp appendicitis begins abruptly and suddenly. In the epigastric region, first aches and then sharp pains appear, gradually growing and spreading throughout the abdomen. Pain can be localized in the right iliac region, as well as in the right side of the abdomen. The navel hurts, and the pain is very unpleasant. These manifestations are accompanied by a rapid pulse, a slight increase in temperature and dryness of the tongue. With a slight pressure on the abdomen, painful sensations appear in the right iliac region and the right side of the abdomen. With the release of the hand, pain increases and muscle tension occurs.

Chronic enteritis

This disease is characterized bydystrophic and inflammatory processes in the mucosa of the small intestine. Chronic enteritis can also be combined with enterocolitis (a lesion of the large intestine). There may be several reasons for the development of chronic enterocolitis, for example, giardiasis and intestinal infections that were transferred earlier.

Clinical manifestations of chronic enteritis

After eating at the navel,blunt, unsharp, aching poured pains that intensify after an evening meal. These pains are accompanied by rumbling and bloating, loss of appetite, weakness, bleeding gums, unexplained fatigue, brittle nails, dry skin.

Hernia in the navel

This disease leads to the appearance of strongpains in the navel, which are additionally accompanied by increased heart rate, the appearance of abundant gases, stool retardation, vomiting, nausea. In addition to hurting the navel, an elongated or rounded seal is formed, which is well palpated with the fingers. If such a seal appears, you should immediately call an ambulance. Hernia in the navel is treated only surgically. It is impossible to regulate the hernia independently, since damage to the strangulated intestine is possible. If the doctor does not contact the doctor in time, her necrosis may be necrosis.

Diverticulitis of the small intestine.

With this disease in the mucosasack shaped protrusions are formed, the size of which varies in diameter from 3 mm to 5 cm, the navel hurts. They appear, as a rule, only after forty years. Sacrum-shaped protrusions (diverticula) can occur in a variety of places in the small intestine.

Clinical manifestations of diverticulitis

There are local pains, which are accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature. If palpation of the abdomen, local soreness may appear.

Cancer of the small intestine

The main symptoms of small intestine cancerthere are various disorders: bloating, vomiting, nausea, pain in the navel and intestines. Then there is a gradual decrease in body weight, which can be triggered by both the progression of the tumor process and a decrease in nutrition.

Pain Management

The pain in the navel is, as a rule, the result ofserious diseases that can not be treated independently. To the doctor it is necessary to address even at the most insignificant painful sensations in the field of a belly-button. The specialist will conduct a detailed examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.

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