/ / Ischemic heart disease is treated!

Ischemic heart disease is treated!

As has long been known to everyone, Ishemia is calleda disease that is fundamentally associated with the manifestation of various local problems in the field of human tissues and organs, mainly in the heart. Ischemic heart disease leads to a sharp narrowing and clogging of the arteries, which constantly feed the heart with oxygen and other nutrients.

It is worth noting that doctors warn aboutserious consequences of the prolonged course of the disease. Coronary heart disease most often leads to necrosis of tissues and organs of the human body. In many ways, the zones and rapidity of the manifestation of this disease strongly depend on the overall magnitude and total scale of the violation of the total blood flow to the patient's heart, as well as the manifestations of atherosclerosis in the arteries of muscles. Cardiologists note that the causes of coronary heart disease were described earlier, in almost 80% of cases it can lead to death or serious manifestations in the motor apparatus of a person. But in 10% of all cases, ischemic heart disease causes only mild pathological effects.

The characteristic and most famous feature of ischemiamyocardium is a severe pain and unpleasant sensation in the chest, which presses on all the organs of the patient with constant enormous force. Myocardial ischaemia is most often associated with spasms of separate organs in which coronary vessels are struck. Recently, the specialists of surgery have already revealed the true nature of the entire course of the disease, beginning with severe pain, which often occurs as a result of the onset of seizures of the body, and ending with the final stage of the disease associated with a stroke.

In addition, it is worth noting that many expertsconcluded that in special cases of coronary heart disease, seizures in the patient are observed even with all the attendant signs of clogging the organs and muscles of the coronary vessels. In such cases, the patient patient urgently needs an operation, otherwise he may die as a result of a stroke. In the treatment of coronary heart disease, the main goal of physicians is to release small clots of blood from tissues. This procedure leads to normal functioning of the heart muscle and stable blood flow. To do this, doctors use different methods of treatment:

1. For a start, doctors need to fight the pain in the muscles of the heart. If a patient who is exhausted from such regular suffering can not recover from such severe pain before the operation, then it is possible that he will not be able to withstand the procedure itself. So doctors relieve pain with various medications. To combat severe pain in the chest, doctors use special epidural anesthesia, whose aim is to introduce an anesthetic through the patient's back to the patient's back, which will alleviate the patient's suffering for a while. In this way, most doctors prepare their patients for a difficult operation.

2. After the above procedure, the doctors begin to administer the medicine, which begins to improve the indices of fluidity in the patient's body. To do this, the patient's body receives injections containing a special serum that coagulates blood and normalizes the total viscosity of blood in the human body. Also, with the help of this serum, it is possible to balance the content of cholesterol in the patient's blood.

3. Before the beginning of the operation itself, a complete examination of the arterial bed in the patient takes place, with special ultrasound equipment used for this procedure, which performs a scan showing the affected area in the heart.

So we can say with certainty that ischemic heart disease is easily treated by doctors at the moment.

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