/ / The drug "Mukoza compositum". Instruction, description

The drug "Mucosa compositum". Instruction, description

The drug "Mukoza compositum" describes the instruction as a complex homeopathic remedy. The drug is a solution for injection.

The composition of the drug includes substances from the mucous membranesdifferent organs of pigs. These components are effective for various diseases of the mucous membranes (eyes, nose, respiratory organs, intestines, bile ducts).

A substance from the pancreas of pigs is prescribed for meteorism, diabetes, chronic enteritis, pancreopathy, duodenitis, gastro-cardial syndrome, dysbiosis, cachexia.

The composition of the drug "Mukoza compositum" includes plant components.

Krasavka effective for inflammation of the respiratory, excretory, digestive system, accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Kislitsa is recommended for hepatopathy, stomatitis of severe course, diarrhea, lesions of the intestinal mucosa or stomach, gastritis complicated by acute pain.

Semecarpus is indicated for the restoration of intestinal activity, elimination of mental overstrain, depression.

The vomiting root is recommended for asthma, inflammations complicated by bleeding.

Chilibukha is prescribed with convulsive contractionsmuscles of the digestive tract, severity in the stomach, constipation, depression, sleep disorders, pathologies of excretory organs, disorders of the gallbladder and liver, as well as inflammation in the respiratory system.

Chemeritsa white is recommended for gastroenteritis of acute form, intestinal lesions of infectious nature, collapse associated with digestive disorders.

The meadow lumbago is prescribed for depression, migraine-like pain, sleep disorder, inflammation in the ENT organs and the excretory system, with frequent respiratory infections.

Kondurango is recommended for stimulating food processing, with cracks on the lips and in the rectum.

Hydrastis Canadian is prescribed for inflammation in the liver, gall bladder, gastrointestinal organs, with ulcers on the mucous membranes.

Mandragora is recommended for difficulties in digesting food, cholecystitis, disorders in the integrity of the intestinal mucosa.

Momordika is prescribed for diarrhea, colic, bloating.

Cyanotus American is effective for abdominal distension, spleen pathologies.

Silver nitrate is prescribed for migraine-like pains, digestive disorders, triggered by nervous overexertion.

White phosphorus is recommended for eye disorders, complicated infections, inflammation in the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract.

Guaiacol and creosol are prescribed for age-related changes in the body, lesions of mucous organs of excretion, digestion, respiration.

Sulfur is recommended for depression, sleep disorders, gastrointestinal disturbances, lethargy.

Oxaloacetate sodium is prescribed to improve immunity against a background of gastritis.

The poison of the surukuku (snake) is effective in inflammations in the mucous membranes complicated by bleeding, as well as in mental disorders, depression.

Nosode from the intestinal rod is recommended for flatulence, gallstones, cholangitis, cystitis, and for restoring the body of antibiotic therapy.

Potassium dichromate is effective in inflammation in the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, in the respiratory and excretory organs.

The drug "Mukoza compositum" instructionrecommends to strengthen local immunity, accelerate healing processes. The product effectively removes inflammation and spasms, as well as stimulates the production of mucus.

Medication "Mukoza compositum" instructionrecommends also with bacterial vaginosis, before the operations as a preparatory therapy. The medication is also shown in the postoperative period to accelerate recovery.

The dosage of "Mucosa compositum", the use of which is tolerated and the newborn, is established in accordance with the age and nature of the pathology.

Patients with six years of age are prescribed one ampoule per day.

The drug "Mukoza compositum" for children from two to six years is recommended in a dosage of 1 / 2-1 / 4 ampoules. Patients under the age of two years - from 1 / 4-1 / 6 ampoules.

The drug "Mukoza compositum" instruction allows for use intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, segmentally. The frequency of application is from one to three times a day.

Before using the medication, consult a doctor.

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