/ / Causes and symptoms of enteroviral meningitis

Causes and symptoms of enteroviral meningitis

Meningitis caused by enteroviruses - quiteserious disease. It is interesting that often this group of viruses leads to epidemic outbreaks of the disease, and children are most susceptible to infection. That is why many are interested in questions about what the main symptoms of enteroviral meningitis look like and how dangerous this disease is.

enterovirus diseases
Causes of ailment

Enteroviruses are a large group that includesitself more than seventy varieties of pathogens. Among them, for example, ECHO, as well as Coxsackie A and B. Meningitis of this type, like all enterovirus diseases, is seasonal in nature - active outbreaks are observed mainly in spring and summer.

As for the transfer, then pick up the diseasecan be in contact with an infected person, since the virus is fairly easy to spread through the air. In addition, this pathogen prefers a moist environment, so it is possible to transmit through water, for example, when visiting swimming pools, beach rest, etc.

The most common symptoms of enterovirus meningitisare observed in children, since the body that is still being formed is more prone to such infections. This does not mean that the adult population is not at risk, especially with a decrease in immune protection.

symptoms of enterovirus meningitis
The main symptoms of enterovirus meningitis

Infection affects the nervous system and is accompanied by the corresponding signs. In most cases, symptoms of enterovirus meningitis appear one week after infection.

The disease begins acutely and unexpectedly with a strongincrease in body temperature, sometimes even up to 40 degrees. As the progression of the inflammation there are severe attacks of headaches. In addition, the symptoms can also include an increased sensitivity to light. Meningitis is accompanied by frequent vomiting, which does not bring relief to the patient. In some cases, a small rash can be seen on the skin. Sometimes pharyngitis also occurs. Patients complain of a lack of appetite and diarrhea.

In most cases, enterovirus meningitis is benign - the main symptoms go away after 7-10 days and do not leave behind any irreversible damage to the nervous system.

Nevertheless, there are also more severe formsdiseases (especially among newborns), which are fraught with dangerous consequences up to a lethal outcome. That's why you should not ignore the symptoms - it's best to immediately seek help.

how to determine meningitis

How to determine meningitis? Methods of treatment of the disease

Of course, there are signs that are characteristicsolely for inflammation of the meninges, in particular, this is the rigidity of the occipital muscles - the patient can not press his chin to his chest. The spinal puncture will be performed at the hospital, as with it it is possible to determine the pathogen and the severity of the inflammation, and also to alleviate the patient's condition (the procedure leads to a decrease in intracranial pressure).

For the period of treatment a person is shown a strict bed rest. Doctors, as a rule, prescribe the use of anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs, as well as analgesics and immunomodulating agents.

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