/ / Synovitis - what is it? Causes of occurrence. Features. Treatment

Synovitis - what is it? Causes of occurrence. Features. Treatment

The largest joint in our skeleton is the knee joint. It performs a supporting function, makes running and walking possible. He is often subjected to compression and injury. In addition, the disease "synovitis" is associated with it. What it is? This ailment is associated with focal inflammation in the connective tissue - the joint synovium. Inflammation causes fluid to accumulate, which can later acquire a purulent character. Therefore, the synovitis of the orthopedic joints is considered to be a very serious disease.


A number of factors can cause inflammation of the tissues and the accumulation of fluid in them.

synovitis what is it?

  • Injury. Traumatic synovitis due to mechanical damage to the joint is expressed by a significant destruction of the joint tissues.
  • Intra-articular changes, which are associated with loss of elasticity and mobility. In such cases, the joint is slowly infected and a purulent inflammation begins.

Traumatic synovitis is the most frequent occurrence,because any bruise or lack of elasticity of ligaments can lead to its formation. That is why he is the most studied of all kinds of synovitis, not only with respect to pathogenesis, but also in terms of treatment. The reactive synovitis develops against the background of the existing lesions of the knee joint.

Synovitis - what is it? Features

Only one joint covers inflammation in a traumatic synovitis.

synovitis of joints
By the nature of the fluid secrete synovitisvizile-haemorrhagic, serous and purulent origin. Acute traumatic synovitis - what is it? This form is characterized by extremely rapid swelling (a minute after the injury). The pain syndrome is absent, only the temperature can rise slightly. In this state, a person can still lean on the knee and bend it. Chronic synovitis - what is it? With such a disease, the synovial membrane is constantly irritated, and as a consequence, the liquid does not have time to resolve, therefore, permanent swelling of the knee is a characteristic symptom. The knee joint in this condition can not perform the proper functions and gradually the joint begins to break down. As a result, the patient's general condition worsens, the size of the edema increases, painful movement occurs, and a vascular network may appear on the knee surface.


How to treat synovitis? On examination, the doctor will determine visually the condition of the joint, can assume the possible processes occurring in it.

reactive synovitis
In the absence of pain and temperature,the doctor can do a joint puncture (fluid intake). Puncture is the first stage of treatment, after which the patient is given a local anesthetic and removes a part of the fluid from the joint cavity. After cleansing the joint, antibiotics are administered there. Then a fixing bandage is applied, which will ensure the immobility of the joint. Then follows drug treatment, during which the patient will take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs directed. In the complex it is necessary to use ointments, gels and topical creams that relieve swelling, reducing discomfort. In some cases, enzymatic drugs are used - they improve blood microcirculation and lymph drainage, and as a result, inflammation goes away much faster. In case of repeated infection, antibiotics are used.

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