What kind of illness can you get through the air: a list of all diseases
Diseases transmitted by airborne droplets,especially dangerous to health. After all, in order to get infected with one or another disease, it is enough for a person to stand next to the carrier of the infection for some time.
What kind of illness can you get through the air: the flu
As a rule, for such an acute infectiousthe disease is characterized by intoxication of the body, as well as damage to the mucosa of the respiratory tract. This virus is transmitted through the air and then multiplies in the cells of a healthy organism, resulting in the latter becoming ill. The latent incubation period of influenza ranges from several hours to several days. Uncomplicated virus disappears after five to six days. However, the full recovery of a person comes only after two weeks. As a result of non-timely treatment, such a disease can cause inflammation of the middle ear, laryngitis, pneumonia, as well as renal pelvis and separate (soft) membranes of the brain.
The incubation period lasts approximately 1 week. Thus, a person immediately rises high fever, there is a conjunctivitis of the eye, and catarrhal manifestations appear.
What illness can you get through the air? Whooping cough
The causative agent of such infection is a stick(pertussis), which quickly dies, getting into the external environment. The course of the disease is cyclical. In other words, in a person who has contracted such a disease, there is a strictly consistent development of periods:
- Incubation - from two to fourteen days.
- Catarrhal - from the first or second week. This period is characterized by malaise and cough, which is greatly intensified late in the evening.
- Spasmodic - from the second or the eighth week. Cough becomes convulsive with seizures.
- After forty days a person is not contagious.
Complications of pertussis can occur ina severe spasmodic cough, nosebleeds, conjunctivitis of the eyes, frequent urinary incontinence, prolapse of the rectum from the anus, and hemorrhage to the brain. It is also worth noting that young children have the following characteristics during this disease:
- the catarrhal and latent period of the disease is rather short (two or three days);
- There is no typical cough for cough, but there is still a slight cough.
The causative agent of this disease is a stick aerob. This infection can get on the mucous membrane of the nose, throat or eye of a healthy person.
Also signs of diphtheria are puffinesstonsils and throat, significant deposits of ash color and musty smell from the mouth. With such a disease, a film and significant swelling form on the mucous membranes, which lead to narrowing of the lumen of the throat, which hinders the breathing of a person. In this case, diphtheria croup may occur.
Diseases transmitted through the air: scarlet fever
As a rule, a healthy person gets sick after using the things or bed linen of the patient, and also through toys (in the case of children).
The incubation period of such a serious illness lasts from one to twelve days. A person has a chill, a rash, and also high fever and sore throat.
With such infection, the patient may develop complications in the form of disorders in the cardiovascular system, inflammation of the kidneys, middle ear and exacerbation of already existing diseases.
It is also worth noting that, to such misfortunes,which are transmitted through ordinary air and household items, include measles, chickenpox, rubella, and parotitis, which is often called mumps in the common people. These diseases are extremely dangerous for life. That is why if a person suspects any of them, he should immediately be put in quarantine and prescribe the proper treatment.
Thus, with timely access to the hospital, you can avoid not only the complications of the disease, but also its spread among relatives and surrounding sick people.