/ / Antibacterial drug "Nitroxoline". Instructions for use

Antibacterial drug "Nitroxoline". Instructions for use

The drug, which will be discussed inof this publication, you can certainly buy in every pharmacy kiosk. At a price it is available to almost any user, and its effectiveness is checked by time. This drug is called "Nitroxoline", its use in many people is associated with kidney pathologies. In principle, it is, but in general, by its pharmacological action - it is an antimicrobial (antibacterial) drug.

In particular, in terms of its antibacterialthe drug is effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, a number of Candida fungi and others. Quickly absorbed from the digestive tract, the active substance is excreted from the body by the kidneys practically unchanged. Accordingly, in the patient's urine, a high concentration of the drug "Nitroxoline" is noted.

Indications for use. This drug is prescribed for the treatment of various infections of the urogenital tract. In particular, with the aforementioned renal pathologies, such as inflammation of the kidney tissues, pelvis, pyelonephritis. Also, "Nitroxoline", the instruction for use recommends in such inflammatory processes:

  • Inflammation of the urinary bladder (cystitis).
  • Inflammatory processes in the urethra (urethritis).
  • Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland (prostatitis).
  • Epididymitis and others.

The considered medicinala broad-spectrum preparation by a specialist and with a number of other inflammations of the aforementioned body systems. Also "Nitroxoline" instructions for use refer to drugs that are effective in the prevention of postoperative infections in the kidneys, urinary tract. It is used for preventive purposes with cystoscopy, catheterization.

The drug has proven itself in respect of microflora, which shows resistance to other medicines of antibacterial action.

Method of drug administration"Nitroxoline" instructions for use describes the following. Tablets are taken during / after meals. Adult patients are treated for 14-21 days. Four medications are taken per day for 100 mg per dose, the maximum daily dose is 800 mg. In normal cases, with regard to the drug Nitroxolin, the instructions for use indicate a daily dose of the drug is half that, namely, 400 mg.

Not at the cost of good portability describeddrug, you should not take it spontaneously. In some cases, the appropriate specialists increase the daily dose to half a gram. It is forbidden to exceed the previously indicated higher daily dose of Nitroxoline.

Children, starting from the age of 5, a medicine for treatmentis appointed from the calculation: daily dose - 200-400 mg, divided into four doses. Before the age of five, the dose of 200 mg is divided into 4 doses. Duration of therapy is the same as for adult patients - from 14 to 21 days. Chronic infections may require repeated courses of therapy with the use of "Nitroxoline" with interruptions in two weeks.

The drug, although well tolerated in mostof cases, can cause some side effects, in particular nausea. And this is one of the reasons that it is better to take this drug during / after a meal. As with any other medication, Nitroxoline (rarely) can cause an allergic reaction in the form of a rash.

Given the possibility of cumulation (accumulationactive ingredient in the body), caution should be exercised if the patient has renal failure. Staining of urine in a dark yellow color is also a feature of therapy with the use of "Nitroxoline". This phenomenon does not represent any danger.

Contraindication to the use of this drug is considered to be only increased sensitivity to drugs of this series.

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