/ / Dryness and burning in eyes

Dryness and burning in the eyes

It is difficult to maintain good eyesight. Just think about how much time a person spends in front of a computer, a TV. And stresses, malnutrition? Do you really think that all this does not affect our vision? It's very easy to lose sight, but it's very difficult to restore it. This means that you need to take action every time there are at least some problems with the eyes. A visit to the oculist also does not belong to the category of what can be permanently postponed indefinitely. Dryness and burning in the eyes - this is what many suffer from.

Dryness in the eyes

Some people in the morning can smash their eyesonly with great effort, and by evening the eyeballs blush and become extremely susceptible to light. Most of all, those who are forced to sit for days on end in offices, whose air is very dry, suffer from this.

Speaking about the structure of the eye, it is worth paying attention toto the fact that the eyeball is reliably protected by a mucous protective film that has three layers. It is formed due to the action of the conjunctiva, the sebaceous glands, and also the glands of the eyelids. This mucosa gives the eyeball the ability to move without friction. Under the influence of various negative factors, the layers become thinner, and problems begin. This syndrome is usually called dry eye syndrome, as well as the syndrome of computer fatigue.

Patients who have this syndrome, it always seems that there is a mote in their eye. They begin to try to extract it, but, of course, do not detect anything, but only inflict damage on the eye.

Restore this protective film is not soit is difficult: you just need to use special drugs and preparations for a while, but do not forget that in the process of rehabilitation it is better to refuse to work at the computer. In other words, if you value your eyes - take a vacation or even think about changing your profession.

Burning sensation in the eyes

This ailment often appears as one of the symptoms of conjunctivitis. In general, burning eyes can occur for many reasons:

trauma. Strong physical impact, the ingress of dust particles, sorines, grains of sand and other things into the eye - all this can cause injury, and, in turn, cause burning sensation in the eyes;

- Allergies. In fact, an allergy can be found on any substance, and quite unexpectedly. With allergic conjunctivitis, there is burning sensation in the eyes, pain, swelling. It can also cause a runny nose and cough;

- various kinds of infection. Very often conjunctivitis appears together with some respiratory disease. In this case, there are symptoms such as itching, lacrimation and burning sensation in the eyes. Bacterial infections can cause purulent discharge;

- chemical exposure. Means for washing dishes, washing powders, aerosols, not to mention the obviously dangerous means, can cause our eyes very much harm. You never really know what is in their composition, which means you need to protect yourself from them as much as possible;

- Endocrine pathology. Very often it is directly related to the ailments of the thyroid gland.

What is needed for our eyes

First of all, they need rest and care. It is impossible to call a normal way of life when a person sits all day at a computer, and when he comes home, he again sits down at the computer and does not leave him until late at night. Such people risk not only to spoil the sight, but even lose it at all.

Every six months, it is recommended to visit the oculist. This is necessary for the reason that not every eye disease can be diagnosed independently.

In the food you need to eat berries, fruits and vegetables. For the eyes, blueberries and carrots are very useful. Take care of your health.

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