/ / The child is afraid of children - is he autistic?

The child is afraid of children - is he autistic?

child is afraid of children
Children are the stimulus of life for parents. The appearance of a baby in the family is a new breath for a married couple. From the first day of the baby's life, parents constantly watch him, watching his development. The ability to communicate with the outside world is the first thing that a child has. Over time, these abilities expand, and now the kid is moving from communicating with his mother to communicate with peers. This is clearly manifested even in infancy, when the baby literally reaches out to the children who pass by in the stroller. But what if the child is afraid of everything? In particular, he prefers to be alone, does not like to communicate with adults or peers? Is this normal, and is this not a sign of autism?

Let's drop fears

Autism is a complex psycho-emotional state. To define it is simple enough - the kid shuns touch, has difficulty with the motor skills, does not have the ability to act independently. In other words, you should have noticed in the first place that the child is afraid of people, and it all begins with the mother - the baby pushes and turns around already at the first feeding. However, if there are no accompanying elements of behavior-problems with speech, obsession with certain actions-then your fears are groundless.

Childhood fears

the child is afraid of people
According to child psychologists, in every childthe instinct of self-preservation is laid, which is supported by the genetic experience and experience acquired (fire burns, falls - it hurts). As a rule, fears of something in a child disappear within a few weeks - he gets used to the idea, learns to manage this fear. However, if a child is fixated on a certain fear, then this is a neurotic problem that can last for life. If a child is afraid of children on their first walk, the first lesson in kindergarten is normal. If this becomes a problem for a long time, you notice that the kid eschews his peers at school, prefers one to play in the garden or sandbox, then this problem must be solved. The type of this fear - neurotic or instinctive - can be determined by concomitant signs. So, when a child is afraid of children and at the same time he has problems with speech (stammering), with sleep, or he began to urinate in bed (enuresis) - this is already a problem to be addressed.

We are struggling with the problem

the child is afraid of everything
Four values ​​for resolving the situation: affection, conversation, drawing, empathy. First of all, the parent for the baby is his own territory, his own person. Therefore, if you notice that the child is afraid of children, feel sorry for him. It can be shown in conversation - it is necessary to ask him in detail why he is afraid. The more often you do it - the faster the fear will disperse. Do not forget that the kid expects sincerity from you - share his experience with him, tell me how you coped in such situations. You can focus on drawing - children's psychologists have long defined the picture as a reflection of childhood experiences. And, of course, all this should be accompanied by tactile sensations - stroking, kissing, talking calmly and gently. In the street it is more often to tell a child about other children, talk about the benefits of communicating with them. After some time you will notice that the child is afraid of children less, and in a month the fear will disappear altogether.

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