/ / Acute blood leukemia: how many live, treatment features and diagnostics

Acute leukemia of the blood: how many live, treatment features and diagnostics

Leukemia begins to develop with a malfunctioncells of the bone marrow, which are responsible for providing the human body with antitumor immunity. This violation is fraught with serious consequences. In simple terms, the cell that failed, is then divided into thousands of the same ones that spread throughout the body, affecting the lungs, kidneys, heart, liver, lymph nodes. This is the manifestation of acute blood leukemia.

How many live with such a disease, can you stop its development, what is necessary to do this? There are a lot of questions in this topic, and it's worth trying to find the answer to everything.

acute leukemia of the blood how many live

Preconditions and Symptoms

So far, doctors have not clarified the exact reasons,which provoke the development of leukemia. Each year, about 35 new cases per 1 million population are registered. The structure of this mutation is very complex and depends on many purely individual nuances. However, the factors that can provoke its occurrence, the doctors could be identified. So, a mutation can arise because of:

  • effects of increased radiation;
  • work in harmful production;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • prolonged chemotherapy;
  • smoking;
  • chromosomal diseases;
  • severe viruses (HIV, for example);
  • chemical poisons contained in air or food.

All these factors can provoke acuteblood leukemia. But how many live with this disease? If you pay attention to symptoms in time and seek help, you can prolong your existence. The patient should be concerned about the appearance of increased weakness, rapid fatigue, uncontrolled body temperature changes, night sweats, frequent headaches, severe weight loss, pallor of the skin and lack of appetite. More specific symptoms include frequent bruising, pain in bones and joints, dry skin with icteric color, small rash, poor eyesight, poor wound healing, problem urination and shortness of breath.

acute leukemia of the blood how many reviews live

How much time does the patient have?

The answer to this question depends on the stagedisease. It should be understood that in the case of the diagnosis of "acute blood leukemia", how many patients live, it is unequivocally difficult to answer. Conditionally, there are 3 forms of this disease. So, the first is associated with the least risk, and with her live about 10 years. With the second form, the life expectancy will be about 5-8 years. But if the degree of risk is high, then the life expectancy will not exceed 3 years.

The fact is that the acute form of the disease progresses faster than the chronic one. But still acute leukemia is not a verdict. If you notice changes in the body in time and seek help.

Severe cases

With a particularly neglected form of such a disease,as acute leukemia, the duration of life is minimal. A person has three years, no more. But, fortunately, such cases are rare. Usually patients of a serious stage are people of advanced age. That is, over 70 years of age or those who have serious genetic mutations in cells.

Very little time is left for people with othercancer disease. And also in patients with an overestimated level of blast cells. In such cases, it is recommended to combine general restorative therapy, chemotherapy and a healthy lifestyle to prolong life.

how many people live with leukemia according to statistics


Still, one can not deny the fact that there iscases in which medicine is powerless. The prognosis is disappointing, if in the human body, along with infections, there are fungal populations. They are resistant even to the most powerful antibacterial drugs. There are cases in which the human body is so weak that the loss of immunity becomes incompatible with his life.

If a patient has been diagnosed with leukemia,described in medicine, then, most likely, nothing will be done. It does not respond to radiation or chemical therapy. Remission in this case is not achievable, and because of this it becomes impossible and bone marrow transplantation.

In addition, sudden death can lead to death.bleeding and hidden aneurysms of the brain. Also, a fatal outcome can occur if a person has caught on an infectious complication with weakened immunity.

acute leukemia leukemia blood cancer how many live


But recovery is also real, and it can not failto please. If you believe the statistics, the chances for a full recovery with timely treatment usually vary from 50% in adults and up to 95% in children. With successful stem cell transplantation, cure occurs in 60% of cases.

In general, statistics can tell a lot aboutacute blood leukemia. How many live with this disease? If the stage of a blast crisis occurs, which occurs when the disease passes from a chronic form, then the life expectancy decreases to 6-12 months. Lethal outcome in such cases comes from complications.

Talking about how much, according to statistics, livepeople with leukemia, one can not fail to note one important nuance. The probability of a lethal outcome is 90% if the disease is not treated. And people with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who started treatment on time and follow the recommendations of doctors recover in 85-95% of cases.

A more serious disease is hismyeloblast form. In such cases, the number of people recovering is 40-50%. The use of stem cell transplantation can increase this percentage to 55-60%.

acute leukemia is not a sentence


There are three ways in whichacute leukemia (leukemia, blood cancer). How many later patients live, also depends on the establishment of a competent diagnosis and identifying the features of the course of the disease.

The simplest method is to donate blood togeneral analysis. By the way, often an ailment is found during a preventive examination. Reduction of hemoglobin level, platelet count and high white blood cell count can not but cause suspicions from the doctor.

The second method is specific. It implies aspiration of the bone marrow. The doctor removes cells from it to study under a microscope in the laboratory. You can reach the bone marrow only by puncturing the outer layer of bone with a special needle. Naturally, anesthesia is used.

And the third one is called a bone marrow biopsy. He is the most complex. Because the doctor takes a small part of the bone with the bone marrow.

 acute leukemia duration of life

The path to recovery

Treatment includes three stages. The first implies intensive therapy of disorders of bone marrow blood supply. Chemotherapy helps to eliminate blast cells. Of course, cytostatics are unsafe, but they have not yet developed an alternative.

Then follows the consolidation of remission, lastingabout half a year. The patient is prescribed procedures and drugs aimed at preventing the reproduction of cancer cells, which could not be disposed of during chemotherapy. The last stage involves supportive therapy.

A competent treatment is really capable of prolonginga life. There are quite a few people who are not even broken by such a serious illness as acute blood leukemia. How many live, reviews of doctors and patients will not help to establish unequivocally, but it is important to remember that this affliction should be fought without giving up. And then the cancer will recede.

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