The drug "Hemodez". Instructions for use
The drug "Hemodez" instructions for userelated to the pharmaceutical group of plasma-substituting solutions based on albumin, starch, gelatin. Synonyms for the drug are the means "Enterodesis", "Plasdon S-15", "Krasgemodez." The composition of the drug "Hemodez" was present ions of chlorine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium and a solution of water-salt containing 6% polyvinylpyrrolidone (low molecular weight).
Medicinal product "Hemodez" instructions forapplication recommended for toxic forms of gastrointestinal pathologies of acute course. The drug was prescribed for infectious diseases, burns and other conditions complicated by intoxication.
The drug "Hemodez". Contraindications.
They did not prescribe the drug for hemorrhages in the brain, acute nephritis, bronchial asthma.
To adverse manifestations at high speedthe introduction of "Hemodez" means the instruction for use included difficulty breathing, tachycardia, lowering blood pressure. When these symptoms appeared, the infusion was stopped. Entered ephedrine, calcium chloride, cardiac drugs, polyglucin.
Data on the overdose of the drug "Hemodez" instructions for use does not provide.
Currently, the drug is notUsed and not produced. The "Hemodez" medication has been banned since 2005, due to frequent serious side effects when it is administered. It should be noted that the medicinal product has been used for a long time in medical practice.
After taking the drug from production, I got upthe question of its replacement. One of the substitutes was the drug "Gemodez-N." The drug is produced in the form of a clear solution for infusions and intravenous injections of yellow or light yellow color.
The drug contains polyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone) medical low molecular weight, chlorides: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sodium hydrogen carbonate.
The solution has a detoxification property. The mechanism of action is due to the ability of low molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone to bind toxins circulating in the blood and to remove them from the body. The drug increases diuresis, increases blood flow in the kidneys and glomerular filtration.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone, contained in a substituteof the drug "Hemodez", has a lower molecular weight. This helps to accelerate the removal of the polymer from the body by the kidneys, as well as improve the detoxification properties of the drug.
The drug, replacing the drug "Hemodez",prescribe toxic forms of infectious bowel disease of the acute course (dysentery, salmonellosis), sepsis, burn disease, in the postoperative period with peritonitis. The solution is also used in toxemia, hemolytic disease in newborns and intrauterine infection, liver diseases complicated by the development of insufficiency.
Immediately before infusion, the drug is heated to body temperature.
The introduction of droplets is carried out at speed40-80 drops per minute. Depending on the age and severity of the condition, a single dose of the solution is established. Children's dosage is 2.5 ml / kg of body weight. Depending on the severity of the infusion condition is carried out once or twice a day.
Contraindicated drip introduction of a solution that replaces the drug "Hemodez" with hemorrhagic stroke, hypersensitivity, cardiovascular insufficiency.
The development of allergic reactions with the infusion of the drug is an absolute indication for the withdrawal of the drug. After stopping the infusion, symptomatic therapy is indicated.
The drug, like other plasma-substituting drugs, is intended for use in hospital settings.