/ / Trypophobia - what is it? How does it arise?

Trypophobia - what is it? How does it arise?

If you are considering the location belowimage with fear and disgust: you run on the body goose bumps, breathing quicker, itching, hair stirring, and even nauseous, then you can safely carry yourself to the ranks of triphophobes.

The fear of multiple holes in the organic and inorganic environment is called trypophobia. What is this state and how it arises, we will discuss in today's article.

bees can cause disgust
Fear of cluster holes is not real?

Immediately need to say that in modern medicine, trypophobia has not yet been officially recognized. It is considered something akin to a strongly pronounced fastidiousness, normal for a person.

It is not known whether those who can hardlylook, for example, on honey combs or skin with highly dilated pores, those who are harassed by trypophobia, that this condition is simply one of an infinite number of fears that people experience.

How do fears arise?

trypophobia photo

But psychologists are not at all surprised by this. After all, people can be afraid of absolutely everything! At the heart of their fears lie, as a rule, traumatic experiences (bitten by a dog - there was a fear of dogs), frightening, shocking information (after watching a large number of horror films, fear of the dark may appear) or biological factors (hereditary predisposition to anxiety).

But, by the way, we must not forget about thisphenomenon, as the so-called "emotional infection". When discussing the theme of "trypophobia" publicly, the photo of cluster holes begins to cause fear and disgust for more people. People from such a group say they did not know about their belonging to triphobobs, until they read the comments of other participants. There is nothing surprising in this: it is always easier, for example, to laugh at a comedy if everyone around you laughs.

Trypophobia - what is it: disgust or fear?

trypophobia pictures

One of those possessed by this fear wrote that he wasstudent years stung bee from the outside of the thigh. Because of the allergic reaction, a strong tumor appeared, and on the swollen skin all the pores became visible, and this subsequently led to the fact that any small holes started to cause the victim's experience.

Psychologists note that to fear oftenmix and disgust. These two feelings go hand in hand: spiders, mice, vomit masses, blood - all this causes not only disgust, but involuntary fear of getting sick.

Perhaps, "pockmarked" from small holes surfacealso looks like anomalous, wrong, giving a signal of danger, manifested externally in the form of disgust. Especially when it comes to organic objects: there holes, probably, suggest the idea of ​​blisters and rashes.

Trypophobia - What is this: a rare phenomenon?

trypophobia what is this

Almost every person, faced with the discussedfear, thinks that he is the only one who manifests this. But no, and people deprived of any kind of phobia, and those who defined their state of the concept of trypophobia, pictures with images of multiple small holes on the human body or animal (especially filled with something) cause unpleasant sensations. Just trypofoby remember about the image longer and experience what they saw sharper. And the number of such people, strangely enough, increases.

Alas, while you can only sigh and admit that the human brain keeps too many secrets!

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