/ / Effective treatment of knee arthritis

Effective treatment of knee arthritis

You are diagnosed with chasing, gonarthritis orosteoarthritis? This is serious. Treatment of knee arthritis should be started immediately. If you run your feet, the illness can take a chronic character, torture you for years and, eventually, lead to disability. Unfortunately, this ailment is gaining momentum in the developed countries of Europe and America. Since many people and we have a sedentary lifestyle, arthrosis and arthritis of various joints are increasingly recorded in our country.

Treatment of arthritis of the knee joint

Let's consider this problem in more detail. What causes arthritis of the knee joint? Treatment and prevention of this disease largely depends on how much we understand the cause of pathological changes. In some cases, such an inflammatory process is the first inflammation, in others - trauma, and in the third - diseases of other organs very far from the knees (for example, the heart). Therefore, doctors distinguish primary arthritis - an independent joint disease, and secondary, which is a manifestation or complication of other pathologies. The last group includes rheumatism, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus and other diseases.

The fact that self-medication can lead to worseconsequences, than the disease itself, many words are said. Therefore, the diagnosis of "arthritis" should not be put by yourself, but by modern and qualified medicine. Symptoms of this disease can be very different. And similarly: different sicknesses have at times similar discoveries. What can we say about the general picture of arthritis? Pain in the affected joint increases with movement and subsides (or disappears completely) at rest. It happens that the knee deforms, there is a slight swelling or even swelling. The private

Arthritis of the knee joint treatment
o The temperature in the knee is higher than the rest of the body, and the skin in this place turns red.

Having handed over laboratory analyzes and having passed or carried out all-rounddiagnosis, you can more accurately establish the diagnosis. The specialist will prescribe to you an individual treatment of knee arthritis, depending on the stage of the disease, the causes of the pathology, your age and the like. This can be as a therapeutic exercise, and pills with injections. No less important is the diet - in this disease it is recommended to eat a lot of oily fish (it is rich in omega-3 acids) and sea cabbage (source of chondroitin). If there is an infectious infection (posttraumatic arthritis), antibiotics are prescribed, and inflammation relieves heat, rest and painkillers.

Medicine symptoms

Treatment of knee arthritis involvesthe use of various compresses and creams designed to remove swelling, improve the flow of blood to the affected knee, restore him to the former mobility. Many patients are very enthusiastic about the product, which is sold only in veterinary pharmacies. This ointment for horses is called Alezan, in its composition there is glucosamine and chondroitin - two substances that feed the knee cartilage. Oleza "Alezan" in the red box also has a warming effect.

If the pain receded, this does not mean thatit is possible to neglect the treatment of arthritis of the knee joint. In order to avoid relapse, or that the disease does not take a chronic course, you should avoid large and severe physical exertion on your legs. It is useful swimming and therapeutic gymnastics. It helps manual therapy with smooth stretching. Especially it is necessary to avoid hypothermia of the legs: the joint should always be warm.

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