Yeast fungi are useful companions to our health
Yeast fungi and the like live around us. They can both help us and hurt our well-being. If we bear in mind the infamous Candida, which by its action on the human body cause diseases such as candidiasis of the skin (areas near the eyes, face, sweet skin and legs), and the mucous membranes of the genital organs, then they are dangerous. Some yeast-like fungi cause seborrheic dermatitis and lichen. The invasion of these microorganisms into the intestines also causes significant health problems. They disrupt the natural microflora and significantly hamper the digestion process. Yeast fungi are difficult to cure, as their distribution through the body is rapid and requires an integrated approach.

In contrast to the harm caused to the fungalinfection, we need to recall the considerable benefits that people have endured for themselves from these beneficial organisms. That there is one milk mushroom. Being nothing but a symbiotic combination of bacteria and yeast-like organisms, it has been used since ancient times for the preparation of fermented milk products. It is known to the world under different names, but the essence always comes down to one thing - it certainly has a beneficial effect on human health. Sour-milk bacteria are spherical corpuscles up to 3 millimeters in size, which rapidly multiply with sufficient food and temperature. With its help people cope with allergy manifestations, various cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, liver, kidneys and respiratory system. It helps to get rid of excess weight and normalize the chemical composition of the blood. This symbiotic group has long been recognized as a national antibiotic and effectively replaces a large number of synthetic medicinal products.

You can not ignore such famousyeast fungus, like Medusomuces Gisevi. To be precise, this is also a symbiotic organism. He came to our country from Asia in the 20th century. It is believed that after the Russo-Japanese War he was brought home by soldiers. Its appearance somewhat resembles a jellyfish, which, of course, is not. Acetic bacteria and yeast fungi form ethyl alcohol, caffeine and a mixture of various acids. As a result of their life, they secrete several vitamins. Fermentation products have antibacterial action and help cope with a variety of diseases of the gallbladder and liver. They facilitate the treatment of tuberculosis and have an antitoxic effect. Beneficially affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, actively restoring the microflora after a course of antibiotics.

In addition to the truly popular methods ofhelp of yeast fungi, there are also advances in pharmacology, which are much more affordable for many people. An example can serve as a brewer's yeast "Nagypol". Such drugs are biologically active additives and help to fill the deficiency of vitamins, proteins, micro- and macroelements. Promotes regulation of metabolism and activation of the immune system.