Castor oil is a laxative or unique cosmetic product?
The modern generation hardly remembers those times,when castor oil was widely used to combat constipation. Castor oil was a tasteless, oily liquid, which must necessarily have been swallowed in one fell swoop, so as quickly as possible to survive these few not the most pleasant moments. At the same time, castor oil is a laxative, almost the best among all the existing ones. That's why it has always been popular and in demand.
To date, castor oil again acquiressignificant popularity. If necessary, quickly recover from constipation, physicians continue to prescribe castor oil, although now it is released in the form of capsules. Not to lose valuable experience about the healing oil has helped its high efficiency. Among other things, it is quite safe, which is important in our century of chemical industry and the abundance of frankly harmful medical products. The only nuance is that castor oil is a laxative not for everyone. For example, pregnant women do not want to take it, since the principle of the drug is based on the stimulation of peristalsis (and, more simply, smooth muscles of the intestine). For the most part, they are the basis of the reproductive system of the female body. Because of this feature, it is undesirable to relax them once more, especially under conditions of constant stress and anxiety. In this case, castor oil has a negative effect on a woman and can lead to premature birth.
Castor oil is a laxative wonderful, butto receive it must be prepared in advance. It is best to take it on the morning of the day off so that you have at least 6 hours of free time ahead of you. This period is quite enough for the drug to act properly. Also, it is worth noting that castor oil should not be mixed with any other products, and it must be taken either before or after a meal.
It is worth mentioning that castor oil -laxative is strong enough, therefore it is undesirable to use it constantly and it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage. If you had to use it more than twice a week - this is a good reason to consult a doctor who will prescribe the examination and the necessary tests to determine the cause of constipation.
Castor oil has not only laxativesproperties. This is a wonderful cosmetic and therapeutic remedy. This unique product has perfectly proved itself on the field of struggle against hemorrhoids, and also at the first signs of cold, bronchitis or cough. To overcome the beginning cough it is necessary to mix a couple of tablespoons of castor oil, preheated on fire, with a tablespoon of turpentine. The resulting mixture rubs the chest to the patient before going to bed, and with a strong cough - twice a day.
Castor oil as a laxative is usedmany, but not everyone knows that this unique preparation has other useful properties. Castor oil is included in the composition of Vishnevsky's ointment, as it has excellent healing and antimicrobial properties. It can be used in the treatment of cuts and ulcers of different origin. Also, it copes well with abrasions, warts and calluses on the legs. This remedy must be gently rubbed into the damaged areas, but not in the event that there is an open wound.
Castor oil is indispensable for the healing of the navel in newborns. In addition, it is perfectly suitable for treating burns of different severity levels.
In cosmetology castor oil has become beautifulmeans in the fight against juvenile acne. Also, it can be added to the eye cream, as it allows you to get rid of small wrinkles and tightens the skin of the face. The main thing is not to overdo it, just 3-4 drops is enough. When caring for dry skin castor oil can be mixed with olive, almond or apricot oil, based on a ratio of 1: 3.
If there is a problem of weakened hair and eyelashes,masks of castor oil will become a true panacea. The simple application of this substance several times a week to the eyelashes will give them fluffiness and length.
Castor oil, instructions for usewhich is quite extensive - it is a universal tool for preserving your health, so it must necessarily be not only in the medicine cabinet, but in the cosmetic bag of every self-respecting lady.