/ / Massage of the prostate

Massage of the prostate

Massage of the prostate gland - a mustcomponent in the complex treatment of diseases of this organ. The purpose of the massage is to improve blood circulation in the prostate, remove the pathological secretion from the affected lobules of the gland. Apply it for various forms of prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, spermatherapy, atony prostate, cupper, chronic urethritis and other diseases of the genitalia in men.

The essence of the procedure is the effect on the tissuesand the nerve endings of this organ. This activates the seminal vesicles and muscles of the bladder. Properly performed massage of the prostate gland can significantly increase the potency and improve the condition of the male body. At home, the procedure is carried out after the end of anti-infective therapy.

Before you do a massage for the prostateglands, you need to consult a urologist. A self-administered procedure can cause significant harm to health. Therapy can not be performed during acute inflammation, as it can only aggravate the situation. Massage of the prostate gland is performed only after all the acute manifestations of prostatitis have passed, the body temperature has become normal, and the second portion of the urine is transparent.

Technique of massage of the prostate gland

Perform this procedure standing or inknee-elbow position. In rare cases, the position is recommended lying on the side with knees pressed to the stomach. In this position, the greatest relaxation of the musculature surrounding the prostate is achieved, as well as the raising of the abdominal organs.

A prerequisite is a complete bladder, whichsignificantly increases the effectiveness of the procedure. The filled organ makes it possible to maximally approximate the massaging finger. In addition, along with the urine, which the patient releases after the session, a pathological secret is squeezed out from the gland.

On the right hand put on a rubber glove, the index finger is lubricated with a lubricant or petroleum jelly. The phalanx is slowly introduced into the cavity of the rectum and begins with light stroking movements.

Movements should be easy and smooth,directed to the excretory ducts of the gland. With active exposure, the patient may have painful sensations - a spasm of the sphincter, a sharp urge to urinate, pain in the anus with irradiation to the lumbar region. During the first two sessions, only sliding surface stroking is performed.

After a slight impact, they pass topressing on the prostate, and its strength is gradually increased. When determining the frequency of massage movements in the first place are guided by the patient's feedback. Correctly performed massage of the prostate gland does not cause the patient painful sensations. The entire area is treated completely, including the edges of the organ, as the inflammatory process is localized there.

The procedures are carried out once in 2 days, durationone session is approximately 1 minute. The strength of massaging movements is determined by the consistency of the prostate - if the gland is solid, then the pressure should be carried out vigorously. If the surface of this organ is soft, then strongly pressing is not recommended. After the session, the patient should empty the bladder, and afterwards it is necessary to rinse the urinary canal with a weak solution of potassium permanganate diluted in the ratio 1: 5000.

Contraindication to therapy is an exacerbationinflammatory processes, thrombosis, tuberculosis and prostate adenoma, hemorrhoids, elevated body temperature. Regular studies of the secreted secret are necessary. If there are no bacteria in it and the number of lecithin bodies increases, breaks between sessions increase.

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