Nerves or psychosomatics are guilty: what is it?
Increasingly, young people talk about theirhealth phrase: "This is psychosomatic." The word has become so popular that it is used to a place and out of place. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider in more detail the concept under which some health problems are hidden. So, psychosomatics - what is it?

If we talk in a very simple language, then this isdirection in medicine, which studies the relationship of a person's psychological state and body diseases. The simplest example of psychosomatics can lead teachers. Usually, once or twice a month, school health workers during the lesson examine the children for the appearance of lice. The appearance in the classroom of a doctor in some people leads to the fact that a person feels an itch in the head until the evening. However, this is not the only example. There are imaginary pregnancies, allergies, asthmatic seizures, chronic fatigue syndrome, panic attacks can be caused by a psychological condition.
The history of psychosomatics began in the AncientGreece. It was there that the first teaching arose that all bodily diseases are connected with the state of the soul. Later on the issue of "psychosomatics - what is it" worked F.Aleksander, O.Inglish, Z. Freud. In 1950, the United States established the first society, specializing in the study of psychosomatic problems. Unfortunately, not all Russian doctors are well versed in the matter. Sometimes diseases caused by stress are confused with frank simulation or fraud. This is understandable: psychosomatics, the causes of which are not in symptoms, but in the unconscious mind, is very difficult to diagnose. That is why it is very difficult to give a full and comprehensive answer to the question: "Psychosomatics - what is it?" Nevertheless, experts have established the reasons for which a person can indoctrinate the symptoms of a particular disease.

Causes of psychosomatic diseases
- Self-punishment. Sometimes a person who feels guilty, at a subconscious level, seeks to punish himself, because it is so much easier to cope with the guilt (although in most cases it is coined). There is a case when a woman who did not recognize such a concept had a severe asthma attack, when she recalled the abortion she had made in her youth. Usually such patients are helped by a good psychotherapist.
- Suggestion. The most popular reason. Sometimes people are able to automatically accept thoughts about the disease, and then adjust the symptoms for them. It happens most often under the influence of the authority of the media or television.
- Language of the body. Sometimes the body reflects the negative state of a person, which can, for example, be characterized by the phrase "Continuous headache" or similar. It's about the fact that certain negative emotions can cause pain in certain organs.
- Anxious to answer the question: "Psychosomatics - what is this?" - physicians have established the following: sometimes it is a reaction to internal conflict. It happens that one person's hypostasis, for example, wants to perform a feat, while the other, fearing risk and unpredictable consequences, stops it, provoking unconscious diseases.
- Conditional benefit. Remember the suggestion that you can not ascribe illness to yourself? It's true. Our psyche is designed in such a way that a thought up illness for profit (for example, a sick leave sheet or a benefit) provokes the onset of a real disease. A person can not abandon a contrived situation and begins to get sick.
- Identification or past experience, when a personassociates himself with a particular patient or the situation in which he fell, with the one that led to the illness earlier. In any case, therapists and narrow specialists should treat this type of disease with psychotherapists. </ ul </ p>