Ventricles of the brain
The ventricles of the brain are cavities,located in all its departments. They are filled with fluid (spinal). The ventricles of the brain are derived from the cavities of the secondary organ blisters. The inner surface of their walls is covered with ependyma. There are only four ventricles.
The first left and the second right are symmetrical andare cavities in the hemispheres. These ventricles of the brain are located under the corpus callosum in the thickness of the white brain substance. In each of them four areas are distinguished. The narrowest, central part is located in the parietal lobe. She goes around the thalamus from above and passes into the front horn anteriorly, into the horn rearward and down to the lower horn of the ventricle. The anterior horn is located in the frontal lobe, in the occipital is the horn, the lower horn lies in the temporal lobe. The lateral symmetrical ventricles of the brain are separated from the front by a transparent septum. It consists of two plates.
The message of each front part with the thirdThe ventricle is carried out by means of an interventricular orifice. From the medial side, a plexus of vessels is formed, extending into the central part. It is formed with the help of a portion of the vascular dura mater, which extends into the lower horns of the symmetric ventricles. The plexus of the vessels of the lateral and third ventricles is communicated by means of an interventricular opening.
The third ventricle is the cavity in the diencephalon. It is represented by a narrow slit-like space, located in the sagittal plane.
Its lateral walls are formed by medialparts of the thalamus, the lower one - the hypothalamus. From the front, the ventricle is bounded from below by a thin plate, passing upward into the columns of the arch. Its posterior wall extends in its lower part into the caudal side, forming a nadriform depression. Above, the third ventricle borders on the corpus callosum and the brain. This wall is formed by the basis of the intertwining of blood vessels. The cavity passes back to the waterway of the brain, which is a cavity in the middle brain and connects the third ventricle with the fourth.
IV ventricle of the brain is a cavity of the oblongbrain and bridge (in the embryogenesis of the rhomboid brain). The rhomboid fossa is its bottom. Above the fourth ventricle is the cerebellum. Its roof is like a two-tented tent. Skates (brain sails) are the plates of the substance of the brain. One of the sails (upper) is stretched between the cerebellar legs (upper) and forms the posterior upper region of the roof. The posterior lower part of it is formed by the lower ramp. It is attached to the lower legs and the lobule (patch) of the cerebellum. Combined at the top of the sail, forming a corner, go into it.
To the lower slope from the inside lies the base of the systemvessels of the fourth ventricle. In the vascular stratum, the production of cerebrospinal fluid is produced. The cavity with the canal of the spinal cord is reported in a diamond-shaped fovea in the region of its lower corner.
The rear lower section of the roof has three holes. The median, the largest, is located in the central part of the lower ramp. In the region of lateral angles in the diamond lozenge are the lateral openings. Through these openings, a communication is made between the ventricular cavity and the subarachnoid space.
To one of the anomalies provoking the development of a number ofdiseases, refers to the asymmetry of the ventricles of the brain. A frequent diagnosis is increased intracranial pressure. The detection of this sign may also indicate the presence of a brain tumor or internal hydrocephalus (hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome). This concept includes a complex of symptoms that causes deformation (both from the inside and outside) and provokes an increase in the ventricles of the brain.