Apricot oil: cosmetic properties
Apricot oil is an excellent cosmetic product, which is obtained by squeezing apricot seeds under a press. Sometimes in the raw material add the seeds of plum or plum.
Apricot seed oil is classified asfatty (base) oils. The product has a light yellow color, slightly expressed aroma and a liquid, slightly viscous consistency. The composition of the product resembles almond or peach oil, which is used in undiluted form, as the basis for oily mixtures. In apricot oil contains a large number of vitamins, saturated acids (linolenic, stearic, linoleic, palmitic) and mineral substances (magnesium, potassium). So, vitamin A is involved in the natural moistening of the skin and allows you to maintain its elasticity, vitamin F allows you to accelerate skin regeneration and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, vitamin C provides skin elasticity.
Properties, treatment, application
Apricot oil has a regenerating,tonic, anti-inflammatory effect. It has a beneficial effect on any skin type, including infants and adolescents. With the help of this tool you can eliminate the effects of sweating, diaper rash, seborrheic dermatitis, accelerate the healing of abrasions and wounds, soften the coarsened skin areas, get rid of cellulite, smooth out small wrinkles.
Apricot oil is a good moisturizer, giving the skin a beautiful even, healthy color. The product has a beneficial effect on dry skin, softening it, and on the problem, eliminating inflammation.
Healing properties have a curative effect in diseases of the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
Also, apricot oil has found an active use incosmetic and perfume industry, it is the basis for creating balms, creams and lipsticks. The range of application of the agent for improving the condition of the skin is very wide. In practice, it is proved that apricot oil moisturizes and softens the skin, prevents peeling and dryness, speeds up the exfoliation of dead cells, produces the effect of rejuvenation, tones up the skin, relieves inflammation and makes the complexion more equal.
Ingredients of the product stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which form the basis of the connective structures of the human body.
Using apricot oil for the face before going to bed,it is necessary to apply a small amount of funds to the eyelids and problem inflamed, flaking, coarsened places. If the oil is slightly warmed, then it will be an excellent means for daily removal of make-up and cleansing of the skin of the face.
Apricot oil is a salvation for women withSensitive skin, which do not fit conventional cosmetics. The product calms the covers, performing the same functions as the ordinary cream.
Oil has a positive effect onstructure and growth of nails and hair, improving in a short time their properties. Therefore, the manufacturer of cosmetics often add it to balms, shampoos, liquid soap. But it must be borne in mind that natural apricot oil is an expensive ingredient, therefore cosmetics with its inclusion is not cheap.
For skin care, you can use the following cosmetic recipes.
Means for anti-cellulite massageis made by mixing apricot and avocado oils in two tablespoons (table), to which are added two drops of essential oils of rosemary, juniper, orange, lemon.
To create a face mask, take a spoon(table) oil and one drop of essential oils of lavender, tea tree, lemon. The agent is applied as applications or on the entire face area, excluding the places near the eyes.