/ / Calcium for pregnant women

Calcium for pregnant women

Pregnancy is not only the development of a new organism in the womb of a woman, but also its construction, which in turn means that without the necessary "building materials" the future mother will not do it.

In order for the bones and cartilage of the future baby to be strong, they need a lot of calcium, which is the basis of the musculoskeletal system of the child.

Calcium for pregnant women performs two roles at once: First, he protects the future baby from rickets, the mother - from all sorts of stresses, and he also has the opportunity to neutralize the consequences of exposure to harmful environmental factors. It is his presence as the main condition for the normal functioning of the coagulating circulatory system, as well as the full functioning of the kidneys, and it is he who helps the process of digestion and kidney activity, affects cell division.

Moreover, taking calcium during pregnancy, the expectant mother will be able to keep her teeth healthy, reduce the number of seizures to a minimum, and also reduce the risk of miscarriage and early childbirth.

It is one of the basic microelements, a drawbackwhich can lead to a slow growth of the baby, abnormal development: the child will later start walking, his fontanelle will not be closed for a very long time, and later the teeth will start to be cut.

It is calcium for pregnant women, so imnecessary, is the most important element for the work of the muscular organs - the uterus or heart. And if a woman in labor has not enough of him, then the birth is unlikely to pass smoothly.

Calcium for pregnant women should be given with eachfood intake. For example, the future mommy can eat for breakfast a hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese with fruit, at noon to eat a few slices of cheese, for a mid-morning snack to drink a portion of yogurt, and at night before going to bed - a glass of milk or kefir. Sometimes dairy products can be replaced with others - those in which too much calcium, for example, raisins, cabbage, green beans, dried apricots, spinach, prunes, dates, peaches, grapes, strawberries, carrots, beets, etc.

Calcium for pregnant women should be taken for a day in an amount of about 1500 mg. In this case, the fruit takes its "portion", depending on the term of its intrauterine stay.

Every fifth expectant mother for the eighth monthhas a significant shortage of this trace element. This manifests itself in dry peeling skin, brittle nails, having transverse grooves, in caries, hard and split ends.

Such a valuable element as calcium will not begrab all those who prefer to eat food that interferes with its assimilation: such as semolina, white bread, pasta, coffee, cocoa, spinach, soda, etc. Whereas phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D - fish oil, egg yolk, cod liver are retained in the body.

Proceeding from this, doctors recommendpregnant women in advance to take complex drugs that can make up for the deficiency of this much needed trace element. These are various multivitamins - "Calcium D3 Nycomed", "Calcinova", "Materna", etc.

At the same time, the future mum should remember thata certain amount it receives with food, so the daily dosage of the drug must be calculated on the basis of this fact. Otherwise, there may be an overabundance of this microelement, which by the sixth month of pregnancy can lead to calcification of the placenta, which will lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

Today, a lot of these drugs are produced, but only a doctor can correctly advise which complex of vitamins and minerals to take for each woman.

And if the pregnant woman does not want to drink any vitamins, then she can use the prescription from traditional medicine: just crumble the shell of the boiled egg into powder and add it to the food.

In any case, the choice is for the woman: she herself must decide in what form to fill the lack of calcium in her body.

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