/ / Wasserman reaction - reliable, but not always accurate

Wasserman's reaction is reliable, but not always accurate

Each of us constantly hears that muchit is easier to prevent the disease than to treat it, and if it is not possible to protect yourself, then early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. This is also true of syphilis, for which Wasserman's reaction was used for a long time. At present, this technique is rarely used in classical form, but many specialists have already habitually called Wassermann's reaction all tests for the detection of syphilis.

When you need to take the test and how to do it

Pass this blood test (Wasserman's reaction) tothe detection of syphilis is necessary for the passage of many medical commissions, as well as when registering for pregnancy in a women's consultation. The future mother is obliged to donate blood to Wasserman's reaction not only at the beginning of pregnancy, but also at 32-33 weeks, since this disease is extremely dangerous for the fetus. To carry out the analysis it is necessary to give blood on an empty stomach, the fence is made from the vein. Serological tests can be done in the state laboratory at the place of residence or in a private company that has a license to conduct such tests.

The main advantage of this analysis isthat Wasserman's reaction is easy and does not require much time, although, on the other hand, the percentage of errors in the study is quite high. It takes only a few minutes to get the result, so it is advisable not to go far away from the manipulation room in case of unforeseen results (for example, a false positive reaction) immediately after the analysis is given.

When it is possible to pass the analysis and what for it is necessary

After infection, Wasserman's reaction becomespositive only after 6 weeks, whereas during the transition of the disease to the stage of secondary syphilis, a positive result of the analysis is revealed in practically all patients. In this case, along with this reaction, additional laboratory tests are conducted, which help to make an accurate diagnosis and to determine the prescription of infection. In addition, Wasserman's reaction allows you to monitor the treatment process and objectively monitor its results. That's why you need to listen to the doctor's recommendations - he will tell you the right time to take the tests.

Disadvantages of this diagnostic method

The main disadvantage of this techniqueThe research is that in some cases a false positive Wasserman reaction can be observed. This can happen with a change in human physiology (for example, during pregnancy, menstruation) or in the presence of concomitant diseases (tuberculosis, various blood pathologies). If the result of the analysis is positive, the doctor should prescribe other diagnostic tests, which together will provide recommendations for treatment, but only after all tests have been received in the hands. It is impossible to make a correct diagnosis on the basis of only one out-of-date analysis, so the doctor should also study the patient's complaints and conduct a medical examination.

Is it worth worrying

In fact, if the patient has a negativeWasserman's reaction, there is nothing to worry about. Another thing is if there is a false positive reaction. Even in those cases when the patient is firmly convinced that he has no syphilis, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive survey that will help to identify the causes of false results.

In patients who have a positive resultanalysis, but not having a pathogen in the blood, most often diagnosed with tuberculosis, malaria, borreliosis, viral hepatitis, mononucleosis, collagenoses and other diseases. It is not necessary to completely neglect the doctor's recommendations, even if it seems that he is simply reinsured.

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