Fenistil (drops). Instructions
Fenistil - drops, which are used forsymptomatic treatment of year-round and seasonal rhinitis allergic, allergies to food, medicines. The drug is also indicated for the elimination of itching of various origin (except for cholestasis), endogenous itching in pathologies accompanied by skin rashes. Drops "Fenistil" instruction recommends and with the bites of insects, chicken pox, hives. As an additional remedy, the medication is used for eczema and other itchy dermatoses of an allergic nature, for the prevention of allergy against the background of a desensitizing (aimed at loss of sensitivity to an allergen) treatment.
Fenistil (drops). Instructions for use
Patients from the age of twelve (adults, children andelderly people) daily dosage is prescribed from three to six milligrams. This amount should be divided into three doses (taken three times a day) for twenty to forty drops. Patients with predisposition to sleepiness are prescribed at breakfast 20 and before bedtime 40 drops of the drug.
Use the product for children under twelve years of agefollows with the agreement or on the recommendation of the doctor. Dosage per day - 0.1 mg / kg of weight. A single dose from three to ten drops from one to three years, from ten to fifteen, from four to twelve, fifteen to twenty drops three times a day.
Fenistil (drops) instruction allows to mix withbaby food (warm) immediately before the start of feeding. If a child eats from a spoon, the drug is given undiluted. The drug has a pleasant taste.
Fenistil (drops). Instruction: contraindications
The drug is not prescribed at the age of up to a month, in particular to premature infants. Contraindicated as a medicine for hypersensitivity to it.
When taking the drug, there may be facial swelling, rashes,anaphylactic reactions, dyspnea, muscle spasms, pharyngeal edema, overexcitation, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders, dryness in the throat and oral cavity. These manifestations are rare when using the drug. As the most common negative effects when taking the drug "Fenistil" (drops), the instruction calls increased fatigue, nervousness, drowsiness. Sometimes there may be dizziness, agitation, headache.
Particular caution in the appointment should beObserve if the patient has an angle-closure glaucoma, impaired urination (with hypertrophy of the prostate, including), lung diseases of chronic course, epilepsy.
Fenistil (drops) instruction allowsapplication in the period of bearing in extreme cases. The expediency of appointment is decided by the doctor. If it is necessary to use lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped.
At a younger age, children when taking the drugoften become nervous. Caution should be exercised in appointing patients to a year, as sedation can be accompanied by attacks of sleep apnea (short-term breathing).
The drug is able to slow down the reaction rate when working with mechanisms and transport management.
According to some experts, drops"Fenistil" - an effective and convenient drug. The number of drops during the day can vary. In some cases it is more advisable to use a large dose in the evening, before going to bed.
Many parents note the effectiveness of fenistil. The drug helps even the smallest patients suffering from rhinitis, dermatitis, conjunctivitis of allergic origin. The drug in the form of drops, according to many parents, begins to act faster than tablets, which is a significant plus in the treatment of children.