/ / Prostatitis in men: treatment with different methods

Prostatitis in men: treatment with different methods

A disease characterized by inflammatoryprocess in the prostate gland is prostatitis. A short time it proceeds acutely, and then quickly turns into a chronic condition. Prostatitis is a disease of men, usually it is stimulated by bacteria, but nature can be non-bacterial. If the disease is not treated, the inflammatory process will spread to other structures, and in some cases may even lead to the destruction of the prostate gland.

prostatitis in men treatment
Prostatitis in men: treatment with antibiotics

Antibacterial drugs effectively fight withpathogenic bacteria, and therefore they are prescribed for prostatitis, which is of an infectious nature. You can select a specific medicine only after the diagnosis. If after the lapse of three days from the start of taking visible improvements in the condition is not observed, the drug is replaced with another drug. The most effective antibacterial agents for the treatment of the disease are fluoroquinolones, macrolides, tetracyclines.

Prostatitis in men: treatment with hormones

The prostate gland is a hormone-dependent organ,its functioning is affected by the level of androgens and estrogens in the body. Therefore, one of the ways to treat prostatitis is hormone therapy, during which the balance of hormones is shifted in the right direction. So, for example, taking antiandrogenic drugs can reduce the glandular tissue of the prostate, which indirectly contributes to recovery.

treatment of prostatitis in men
Treatment of prostatitis in men: physiotherapy

To cure a disease that flowschronically, apply different versions of physiotherapy. This is done in order to strengthen the pelvic organs in the pelvic organs, which will increase the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy. For treatment use:

  • Electrostimulation, during whichImpact of impulse currents on the prostate gland, which allows to restore its muscular elements. Due to this, an improvement in the outflow of the secretion of the prostate can be achieved.
  • Laser therapy. With the help of low-intensity laser rays, the blood supply of the prostate gland can be improved and the resorption of the infiltrate can be facilitated.
  • Hypoxic therapy. The method is to create conditions in which the patient inhales air with a reduced concentration of oxygen. As a result, the body begins to independently stimulate blood circulation of all organs, including the prostate. Thanks to this, local immunity rises, stagnant phenomena in the prostate gland are removed, the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy increases.
  • Hyperbaric oxygenation, in which in mediaorganism significantly increase the oxygen content. With this measure bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects are achieved, intoxication and edema of tissues are eliminated, their regeneration is intensified.

folk treatment of prostatitis in men
Prostatitis in men: treatment with phytopreparations

Such a method of treating a disease that flowschronically, should be used as part of complex therapy. Phytomedication is used, because they can be taken for a long time due to the absence of side effects and negative effects on the body. So, the popular treatment of prostatitis in men involves the use of decoctions, infusions of ginseng, nettles, burdock, St. John's Wort and many other plants. And they use them both internally and externally.

Prostatitis in men: surgical treatment

Operative intervention is extremelyrarely, only in case of complications: if the urethra strongly narrowed or blocked, there were recurrent urinary infections, cysts were formed, etc. Radical excision of the prostate is also required when conservative treatment is ineffective.

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