/ / Yeast Fungus. What it is?

Yeast fungus. What it is?

For some reason, there was an opinion in society thatyeast infection is something that is not serious. Like, this is more of a nuisance than a disease that needs to be treated, because fungi are not dangerous. In fact, such a complacent mood is unjustified, yeast fungus, which provokes the development of thrush, can seriously undermine health.

Thrush is a popular name for candidiasis,which, most often, develops in the oral cavity or on the genitals. The causative agent of thrush is Candida yeast, which in small quantities is available in almost every person, without causing the slightest concern.

Infection with a yeast infection often occurseven during childbirth, if this fungus is present in the mother's birth canal. In most cases, after infection, a person becomes an infection carrier, remaining perfectly healthy. However, if there is a situation when the defenses of the body will fail (for example, in chronic illness or under stress), the fungus can become more active, its number will increase many times, as a result of which, candidiasis will develop.

Candidiasis can be a person of any gender andage, although from the thrush, most often, women suffer. In this case, the yeast fungus in women, in most cases, causes candidiasis of the genital organs. Although there are cases when a yeast infection affects the intestine or is detected in the folds of the skin.

A serious complication of yeast infection isa generalized form of candidiasis, in this case fungi affect large areas of internal organs and skin. In severe disease, candidal sepsis is possible.

What are the symptoms of infection?yeast infection? The main sign that the yeast fungus "settled" on the mucous membranes is the appearance of white precipitates, similar in texture to cottage cheese and having a hardly noticeable sour smell. Actually, these symptoms and gave birth to the popular name of this disease - thrush. In addition, candidiasis is usually accompanied by itching, swelling of the mucous and pain.

With the cutaneous form of candidiasis in the folds alsothere is a whitish coating, the skin turns red, itching and irritation are felt. When the oral form of the disease, there are cracks in the corners of the mouth, whitish coating on the gums, reddening of the mucous and pain.

How to treat thrush? Suspected the presence of yeast infection, you should definitely go to the doctor. The fact is that the manifestations of thrush are not characteristic, similar unpleasant sensations can cause, like a yeast fungus, and diseases such as trichomoniasis or bacterial vaginitis. Therefore, you never need to take medication without finding out the exact diagnosis.

Identify the presence of candidiasis is easy, diagnosisput on the basis of tests and routine examination. After it becomes clear that the disease provoked a yeast fungus in women, the treatment the doctor chooses, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to antifungal drugs. Therapy can be prescribed, as local (candles, creams, douching), and complex, including the taking of tablets.

But to prescribe yourself a treatment yourself,choosing drugs after watching ads on TV, is strictly not recommended. Uncontrolled treatment is unlikely to help cure thrush, but fungi can acquire resistance to drugs. Self-medication, as a rule, helps to get rid of external symptoms, while the infection remains in the body and will recur after any immunity failure.

To preventive measures that should be takenTake, in order not to fall ill with thrush, you can include a decrease in the amount of sweet in the diet, the rejection of strings and synthetic underwear, the exclusion of promiscuous sexual contacts without the use of a condom, as well as all measures that enhance immunity.

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