"TEMODAL" (temozolomide): price, analogues. Where to buy Temodal cheaper
In the treatment of malignant neoplasms, incomplex with radiation therapy is most often used the drug "Temodal" (temozolomide). It refers to alkylating substances that penetrate into DNA molecules, bind to them and do not allow to separate from each other two strands of DNA molecules, which prevents the growth of the tumor.
How you use this drug, what is the price for "Temodal" and where you can buy it cheaper, you will learn further from the article.
Where can I buy Temodal more profitable?
The famous Indian company Natco on officiallicense produces a generic brand drug called Temonat. This drug has the same active substance and absolutely similar effect. But at the same time it is much cheaper, because the price does not include the cost of development, research and promotion.
So, on "Temodal" the price in Russia, depending on the dosage form, is in the region from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles. Temonat site buyers
Indications for use
Temozolomide is most effective in the following pathologies:
- with multiform glioblastome, first detected;
- malignant glioma, in case of its relapse, occurred after standard treatment;
- metastatic spread of melanoma.
In the latter case, the drug is used as a therapeutic tool of the first series.
Dosage and route of administration
Attention, the described device is used only in stationary conditions and is assigned only by a specialist!
"Temodal" is taken to an empty stomach, one hour before a meal. Capsules are not opened or chewed, but swallowed whole, washed down with water (at least a glass).
Application features
Treatment with the drug "Temodal", the instruction to which is presented to your attention, the course. In the process, the patient is subjected to laboratory tests to determine the effectiveness of therapy.
Abolish the drug or reduce its dosage,guided by a special scheme that takes into account the patient's condition. The total duration of treatment can be up to 2 years. If during this time the tumor does not stop growing, the treatment is stopped.
Security Methods
As already mentioned above, the capsules with the drugcan not be opened. Avoid contacting their contents with skin or mucous membranes. If this happens, it is necessary to immediately rinse this place with water.
The drug should be carefully hidden from children, as the occasional taking of Temodal capsules by a child can be fatal for him.
In certain cases, the agent is not prescribed:
- with a high sensitivity to temazolomidu or to other components of the drug;
- in the case of a significant decrease in blood leukocytes and platelets;
- during pregnancy and during feeding;
- children under the age of three with recurrent malignant glioma and up to 18 years of age - with glioblastoma (multiforme) or malignant melanoblastoma first detected.
With caution, "Temodal" is used in patients older than 70 years and patients suffering from severe hepatic or renal insufficiency.
Side effects
Since the described preparation is potent, its use causes a number of side effects. These include:
- tachycardia;
- sleep disorders;
- a state of heightened anxiety;
- candidiasis in the oral cavity;
- memory impairment;
- weakness;
- decrease of attention, etc.