Effective and safe folk remedies for dry cough
Cough itself is not a disease: it is a manifestation of the body's protective functions to damage the respiratory tract by bacteria.
How to cure a dry cough at home?
Traditional medicine is rich in proven, affordable and extremely effective recipes. In this article we will consider the most effective.
- A mixture of hazelnut and honey is not only useful, but alsoit is tasty. Therefore, it will not be difficult to feed a child with such a "medicine". To prepare a miracle mixture, take a glass of dry hazelnut and grind it in a meat grinder or blender to the state of porridge. The resulting mass is mixed with half a glass of liquid natural (better than May) honey and carefully stir. To eat this medicine is recommended for half a tablespoon every hour, washed down with warm milk.
- Onions with milk are an excellent tool for adults. Both components differ in their healing properties and are often included in various therapeutic mixtures. For cooking we take two medium bulbs, grind them and boil the pulp in 400-500 ml. milk. The broth is insisted for 3 hours, then filtered and drunk every morning, at lunch and in the evening on a tablespoon.
- Extraordinary is honey with radish. This recipe is still popular because of its simplicity: my black radish and cut off the tip, and in the root we cut out a neatly wide indentation into which we spread a few spoons of honey. We give the root vegetable 3 hours, then merge the mixture of honey and radish juice into a transparent container and mix thoroughly. You can also take honey with a spoon before using directly from the radish, previously mixing. Take this tincture is recommended for two teaspoons before eating.
- Juice mixtures have always been effective for bothtreatment, and disease prevention. With a dry cough advise to mix the same amount of freshly squeezed radish juice and carrots, then add to them natural honey, preferably floral, in proportion of 2 parts to 1. One teaspoon of this juice before eating - and coughing attacks will soon recede.
Folk remedies for dry cough during pregnancy
Attacks of dry cough for an average personare a debilitating, very unpleasant symptom, but for a woman who carries under the heart of a child - this is a very dangerous phenomenon. Because of coughing spasms, the muscles of the abdomen and uterus contract, and this can harm the fetus, lead to early fights or interruption of pregnancy. For pregnant women, there are safe and effective folk remedies for treating dry cough. They consist exclusively of natural products or herbs, which have proven themselves from the best side. Folk remedies for dry cough for pregnant women are used in the form of inhalations, teas and infusions. There are several effective and absolutely safe recipes:
- Milk Drink: for this you need to mix the table mineral water with hot milk, then add a teaspoon of butter, natural liquid honey, a pinch of soda, and then mix everything well and drink before going to bed.
- To make a fig drink, you need to boil 5-6 figs in three glasses of milk. The broth should turn brown. Drink this drink three times a day for half a glass.
- In addition it is recommended to do inhalationsferry from plantain, St. John's wort, lime blossom, sage infusion, chamomile broth, salt and soda solution and boiled potatoes. Folk remedies for treating dry cough are very effective, but if they do not help within two weeks, it's worth going to a doctor's appointment to prevent serious consequences. </ ol </ p>