/ / If you have low blood pressure what to do in this case

If you have low pressure what to do in this case

Few people in our time do not have problems with pressure. As a rule, most often suffer from high blood pressure, but the lower causes less or even greater discomfort. It is expressed in an intense headache, sometimes causing nausea and even vomiting, weakness, dizziness and inability to concentrate. As a rule, hypotension is very meteodependent. All these symptoms are extremely hampered to lead a normal active life, and a natural question for everyone who has low blood pressure is what to do?

Low blood pressure is most oftena constitutional feature of the body, much less often it is associated with severe fatigue, illness, malnutrition and poor sleep, as well as uncontrolled use of funds against hypertension. If in all other cases it is sufficient to eliminate the cause of the reduced pressure, and everything will return to normal, then the first option without long-term preventative measures can not be avoided. First, you need to regulate the regime: hypotension requires a long rest and a full sleep, and during wakefulness, on the contrary, you need active activity, preferably in the open air - it helps to strengthen the blood vessels and helps to normalize blood circulation. Also, a contrast shower and water sports are very useful.

Another obligatory thing is the correct andhigh-grade food. People who have low blood pressure prevail should eat more often than others, at least not less than four times a day, and such foods, traditionally considered harmful, like salted, will be very useful here: it is known that salt is needed Limit hypertension, because it helps increase blood pressure.

But if it is at this moment does not give restlow pressure what to do to bring it back to normal in the near future? Strangely enough, medicine here is practically powerless, and there are no means that raise blood pressure comfortably and long-term. Various drugs like caffeine do this for a short time and are addictive. But folk medicine has at its disposal a lot of broths and infusions from such herbs as echinacea, ginseng, St. John's wort and others. Herbal teas are a great thing, but you need to be careful here, because there may be an individual intolerance. In addition, we should not forget that medicinal herbs are not harmless means, sometimes by their biological activity exceeding the means of traditional medicine.

If you have low blood pressure what to do firstqueue? Immediately comes to mind - to drink coffee. However, it should be remembered that coffee gives a very short effect, after which, as a rule, there is an even greater decline - this is due to the fact that the stimulants, which include caffeine, use the reserves of the body, and after their action, of course, there is some depletion , and it is necessary either to repeat their reception, or to go to bed. This is due to the frequent unusual effect of coffee on hypotensive drugs: it is not uncommon for a person to get to sleep in half an hour or so after taking coffee instead of the expected vivacity. Another reason why low blood pressure should not be treated is coffee - it usually makes hypotension scattered and irritable, rather than raising the mood and increasing efficiency.

The same with tea, although its effect is more mild andlong, and such impotence does not come. But another danger is connected with tea: if it is overexposed, that is to wait until it cools, then its effect will be strictly opposite - it will turn into an excellent means for lowering the pressure, which is more than inappropriate.

Another not entirely successful drug is alcohol. He also tones up at first, but then all the same we get low pressure. What to do in this case is not clear: a man does not only aggravate his condition, it also becomes inadequate and unable to make the right decision. The remaining dangers associated with alcohol are well known.

A good tool for raising pressure -chocolate, preferably black: its effect on the body is quite mild and long lasting. Unfortunately, chocolate is a very high-calorie product, and you often will not use it much, but in case of low pressure, especially accompanied by a headache, this is one of the best tools.

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