Causes of heart murmur in the child, symptoms
The heart is the most important organ in the body. It is from his uninterrupted work that all the processes in the human body depend. Therefore, any deviation in his work immediately causes anxiety and anxiety. The phrase "noises in the heart" sometimes scares people very much. But in fact, this is not always a cause for concern. To establish the reasons of noises in heart at the child the cardiologist can and only after US and an electrocardiogram. Therefore, before the time you should not panic.

Noises in the heart can occur at any age,and it happens quite often. The statistics show that of the three toddlers (under the age of three), one is observed by a specialist with such a deviation. But do not be scared at once, this is not always a symptom of heart disease. In addition, the causes of heart murmurs in a child may be due to the fact that his body has not yet been fully formed.
Kinds of noise in the heart
Noises in the heart are divided into two main types:
- organic - in the cardiovascular system, pathology is possible;
- functional - in the heart and large vessels there are no defects or serious changes.

Modern diagnostic technologies have proved,that any noise always have this or that anatomical reason. Thus, it turns out that they are all organic. And it is more correct to divide them into pathological and so-called innocent ones. The latter arise with minor anatomical features of the structure of the heart, which do not have a serious effect on the work of the organ and do not interfere with the blood flow. Healthy children may be affected if anemia is present or during a period of active growth (first year of life, 4-6 years, transitional age 12-14), and in a number of other cases.
This phenomenon can occur suddenly, but canfrom birth to diagnose noises in the heart of a child. Causes of 7 years later can gradually come to naught - it happens and such. That is, after a while, all the noises in the heart can stop on their own.
Innocent and pathological noises
Innocent include noise, arising from the presence of additional chords in the heart, located abnormally.
In addition, they can arise due to:
- rapid growth of the child (the heart simply does not have time for rapid development);
- increased flexibility of the child (heart valves easily bend);
- low hemoglobin;
- anatomical features of the structure of internal organs;
- presence of a small heart anomaly;
- infectious diseases - frequent causes of heart murmurs in children.
Pathological noise is accompanied by such symptoms as cyanosis of the liver, cyanosis of fingers and nails, frequent breathing.
Causes of heart murmurs in children under one year of age
Such a phenomenon in such a crumb always terrifies parents. And this is completely justified, since before the full survey there is no way to give the first forecast.
Causes of heart murmurs in children at this agecan be very different. In most cases, it is connected with the fact that the body passes from the intrauterine circulation to the normal, extrauterine. Arterial vessels of the fetus carry mixed blood. This is due to the peculiarities of the cardiovascular system.
Mixed blood formation
Three anatomical formations create mixed blood.

- Arterial (or Batalov) duct. It connects the aorta and the pulmonary trunk
between themselves. Usually it stops working after about two weeks, but in some cases it continues to function for up to two months. If EchoCG showed that after this time the duct continues to function, then this is evidence of the presence of congenital heart disease. - The oval window is located in the interatrialseptum. After the first month, it should close, as the pressure in the left atrium increases. However, if this does not happen, then do not worry. His closure may occur and a year or two after birth. An open oval window can rarely lead to haemodynamic disorders. Noises in the heart because of the uncovered oval window are considered harmless.
- The venous duct connects the portal vein and the lowera hollow vein. This duct disappears some time after birth, transforming into a connective tissue. This is due to the fall of its walls. With extrauterine development is extremely rare, which excludes him as the cause of congenital heart disease.
The first ECG
The first ECG to the baby is done after the first month of life. This makes it possible to differentiate the noises in the heart. In case of suspicion of serious pathology is sent to EchoCG.
In general, doctors quite often when examined in the firstmonth of life, they say that there are noises in the heart of the child. Causes, Komarovsky EO argues, may be absent. This is quite normal for a baby of this age.
Excluding the innocent noises of an open oval window, you can focus on the pathological. They carry a serious danger. Can take place:
- Stenosis of the pulmonary artery.
- Open the arterial duct.
- Defect of interventricular septum.
- Coarctation of the aorta and other heart defects.

All these diseases have severe symptoms, which allows you to diagnose them in the first month of life. If the vice has a pronounced degree, then the treatment is possible only surgically.
Noises in two years
Causes of heart murmur in the child 2 years of age inmost cases arise because of a transferred illness. Functional do not pose a serious danger and are extremely rare. But still, when they arise, it is worth doing an ECG to make sure that these were not noises in the heart of the child. The reasons that persecuted the child for 10 years may disappear, as the body continues to develop.
Approximately up to 10-12 years, the children's pulmonary artery is wider than the aorta. After a while their lumens become identical, and sexual maturation establishes the reverse relationship.
In 10 years, heart murmurs have the same symptoms,as well as clinical manifestations of heart disease. It is necessary to pay attention to possible complaints of children for pain in the heart, interruptions in his work, possible fainting.
Anatomical and physiological features of the children's cardiovascular system
The second week of intrauterine development is associated withthe heart is laid: two independent heart buds connect after a while into a single tube, which is located in the cervical region. Placental circulation begins to be established at the end of the second month of pregnancy and remains until the birth of the child.
As mentioned earlier, cardiovascularthe fetal system has three formations: arterial and venous duct and oval aperture. They are needed in order to discard excess blood. Thus, the heart is assisted, since there is no breathing and the pressure is low.

The blood flow does not mix completely in the rightatrium. This is due to the fact that the blood, passing through the inferior vena cava, passes into the left atrium through the oval window, and from there to the left ventricle. At the same time, the blood from the superior vena cava goes in the opposite direction: into the right ventricle through the right atrium.
Having been born, the baby spreads the lungs andfills them with blood, while the fetal bloodways close. From this moment the child has an extrauterine blood circulation, which means that small and large circles of blood circulation now function. The oval window valve closes due to increased pressure in the left atrium (this is due to the intake of large amounts of blood). The arterial duct closes under the influence of nervous, torsion and muscle factors.
Caring for the future
So as not to worry about what might ariseany causes of heart murmurs in the child, all pregnant women need to take care of the health of their child at the very beginning of pregnancy. It is worth to give up smoking and alcohol. A pregnant woman should watch her health, get all the necessary vitamins. This is well promoted by healthy and nutritious food, as well as walking in the fresh air.

Causes of heart murmur in a child needreveal at first. Doctors do not advise to miss planned examinations. In time carried out ultrasound of the heart and abdominal organs may indicate a heart murmur in the child. The reasons are easier to start to eliminate immediately, than to delay this process.
An important trip to the cardiologist
Causes of heart murmurs in children are always betterclarify with a cardiologist. The examination will either exclude a serious pathology, or the doctor will prescribe the necessary course of treatment. Observed at the cardiologist and following his prescriptions, after some child can get rid of noise.
In addition, it is important to constantly monitor the baby. A number of serious, dangerous symptoms can alert: frequent colds, shortness of breath, developmental lag, shortness of breath, cyanosis of the skin (nasolabial triangle), etc. Never give up serious treatment. Surgery can prevent adverse effects.
Helping a child
Fortunately, as the growing up noise in the heart ofthe child, the reasons contributing to this, pass. It is necessary for a child to always ensure the correct regime, adequate nutrition (especially a child needs proteins) and sufficient sleep. The diet should also include fresh vegetables and fruits.

The cardiologist at the reception should explain whichthe degree of physical activity is right for your child. It is impossible to deprive the child of movement, it always gives vitality. Moderate physical exertion will train the body and heart.
If the heart disease takes place, it is bestDo not delay the operation. The sooner you can help the child, the sooner he will recover. However, surgical intervention is necessary only in serious cases. If the disease is poorly expressed, then it is possible that there will be enough and medical therapy.