Medicinal preparation "Mildronate". Instructions for use
Mildronate instructions for useCharacterizes as a means that can improve metabolic processes, increase efficiency, reduce the manifestations of both mental and physical overstrain. This drug by its action can regulate immunity at the cell level and provide cardioprotective action. In addition, the drug contributes to the elimination of functional disorders of the nervous system in people with alcohol dependence with abstinence syndrome. With the application of Mildronate, redistribution of blood flow in the ischemic zones is possible, namely in the brain and the retina.
The preparation "Mildronate" is produced in the form of capsules for oral administration and a solution for injections. As the one and the other kind of medicinal product is packed in cardboard boxes and enters the pharmacy network.
Capsules consist of a gelatinous hard shell of white color, inside of which is a crystalline powdery substance.
Solution for injection is a clear liquid that does not have color and odor.
You can buy the drug in any pharmacy, but only for the doctor's prescription.
The doctor also prescribes medication for treatment if the following conditions are observed in the patient:
- chronic heart failure,
- myocardial infarction,
- angina pectoris,
- a chronic and acute disorder in the cerebral circulation,
- An abstinence syndrome.
In each of these cases, Mildronate is a drug that is part of complex therapy.
Also, the drug is indicated for use:
with reduced efficiency,
in order to reduce the period of rehabilitation after surgery,
at physical overstrain,
with thrombosis of the central vein of the retina,
with haemorrhage in the retina of the eye,
with hypertensive and diabetic retinopathy,
as an immunomodulator for chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
Like any other medicine, the drug "Mildronate" (instructions for use contains information on this) has not only indications for the appointment, but also contraindications.
Contraindicated use of medicines forintolerance to any components of the drug. Also, Mildronate should not be administered with intracranial pressure and the presence of intracranial tumors.
It is not recommended to use the drug for pregnant and lactating women.
The drug does not possess any side effects, but there were rare cases of allergy, frequent heart rate and blood pressure jumps.
In addition to general information about the Mildronate preparation, the instructions for use provide detailed information on the methods of application and the dosing regimen.
The cardiovascular system
With angina pectoris (stable), using as a component of complex treatment, first appoint 250x3 (four days), then 250x3 twice a week (for one and a half months).
In the state of myocardial infarction and angina (unstable), intravenous injections are prescribed: 0.5-1x1, then 250x2 capsules (four days), then 250x3 twice weekly.
For violations in the cerebral circulation (in the acute phase), Mildronate is given in the form of intravenous injections of 0.5x1 (for ten days), then in capsules one per day.
If the patient has dystrophic and vascular diseases of the retina, Mildronate is given parabulbar at 50 milligrams per day (for ten days).
Physical and mental loads
In the form of capsules of 0.25x3 or in the form of intravenous injections of 500x1 (two weeks). If necessary, the course can be repeated.
For athletes, Mildronate is prescribed during intensive training in 1x2 capsules (two weeks).
In chronic alcoholism treatment is prescribed in the form of capsules of 0.5 × 4 or in the form of intravenous injections of 0.5 × 2 (ten days).
In complex therapy for bronchial asthma, Mildronate is prescribed at 0.25 grams every day for twenty-one days.
Keep the preparation "Mildronate" (instruction onapplication mentions this) should be at room temperature in a dry room. Also, care must be taken to ensure that the storage location of the medicinal product is not accessible to children.