/ / The drug "Flavamed". Instructions for use

The drug "Flavamed". Instructions for use

The drug "Flavamed", as well as its analogues(drugs Ambroxol, Lazolvan and others), belongs to the category of mucolytic and expectorants. Typically, the onset of action is noted after the expiration of half an hour after ingestion, lasts (depending on the amount of the drug taken at a time) from six to twelve hours.

The active substance of the drug "Flavamed" (syrupfor children) - ambroxol - promotes an increase in the content of mucous secretion and the release of surfactant (surface-active component) in the bronchi and alveoli. When applied inward ambroksol quickly enough and almost all absorbed from the digestive tract.

The medicine "Flavamed". Instructions for use. Appointment

The drug is indicated for chronic, acutediseases of the respiratory tract with a disorder of transport and sputum production. Such diseases include, in particular: chronic, acute bronchitis, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, accompanied by difficulty in sputum discharge, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia.

The drug "Flavamed". Instructions for use. Dosing regimen

If we talk about children over the age of twelve andadults, then the first two or three days they are recommended to take thirty milligrams (two measuring spoons) per day three times. In subsequent days, the frequency of intake is reduced to two times. If necessary (after consulting a doctor), it is possible to increase the dose to four measuring spoons twice a day.

Children under the age of two are recommended halfmeasuring spoon twice a day; from two years to five - the same dosage three times a day. Patients from six to twelve years are prescribed two to three times a day for one measuring spoon.

Duration of treatment is establisheddoctor individually. If you need a long (more than four or five days), taking the medicine "Flavamed" instructions for use recommend consulting with a specialist.

The solution is taken after a meal.

In the presence of liver damage or renal failure, it is necessary to either reduce the dosage, or increase the interval between doses.

The medicine "Flavamed" (syrup). Instructions. Contraindications

The solution for internal use is not prescribed for congenital intolerance to fructose. Contraindication is also hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the remedy.

The drug is not prescribed in the first trimesterpregnancy. In subsequent periods, taking the drug is allowed under the supervision of a doctor. During lactation, the drug is used only on the advice of a specialist.

With the appointment of the drug "Flavamed" instruction foruse caution with patients with impaired bronchial motor function and the formation of a significant amount of secretion (against the background of a rare syndrome of immobile cilia, for example), children under two years of age, with peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, liver or kidney failure.

Adverse Reactions

The use of the "Flavamed" solution can cause allergies in the form of urticaria, dyspnea, hyperthermia, angioedema. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock is possible.

Taking medication can trigger digestive system disorders (vomiting, dry mouth, diarrhea, nausea and others).

To the rare side manifestations with the application of "Flavamed" (syrup for children), the instruction refers to exanthem, Stevens-Jones syndrome, headache, weakness.

When an overdose of the drug "Flavamed" shows a short disturbance, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea. Taking a very large dose causes a decrease in blood pressure, increased salivation.

In the first two hours after application, gastric lavage, artificial vomiting is necessary. If necessary, prescribe symptomatic treatment.

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