/ / Medication "Movalis". Indications for use, composition, description

Medicinal product "Movalis". Indications for use, composition, description

Since the invention of aspirin - the firstnon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug - more than one hundred years have passed. Since then, many medications of this group have been developed and put into practice, including the "Movalis" preparation, the indications for the use of which are reduced, mainly, to inflammatory manifestations of diseases of the spine and joints.

Medicinal product "Movalis". Description of the mechanism of action

The drug "Movalis" is a nonsteroidalanti-inflammatory pharmaceutical agent, the main purpose of which - the removal of inflammation and anesthesia. Unlike other medications of this type, it acts less aggressively on the stomach and intestinal mucosa, which significantly reduces the possibility of side effects when it is used. This positive feature of the drug is due to the mechanism of its effect - the drug inhibits the synthesis of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins) directly in the focus of the inflammatory process, and not in the kidneys and gastric mucosa.

In addition, the pharmaceutical preparation "Movalis" does not adversely affect the synthesis in the articular cartilage of proteoglycan, thereby not suppressing the work of the joint and not aggravating the course of arthrosis.

The drug is well absorbed in the stomach and intestines. Getting into the blood, it exerts its therapeutic effect and, disintegrating in the liver, is excreted with feces and urine.

Form release: tablets, ampoules with a solution for intramuscular injection, suppositories.

Medicinal product "Movalis". Indications for use

The drug is used for joint diseases andspine, associated with prolonged pain, arising from the background of the inflammatory process. Most often it is prescribed in the initial stages of ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis.


The main contraindication for useof the preparation "Movalis" is the presence in the anamnesis or at present of peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach. Also, the drug is not recommended for violations of liver and kidney function, severe cardiovascular insufficiency, and clotting disorders. Do not show the drug to children under the age of twelve and pregnant or lactating women. The inadmissibility of the use of the drug in pregnancy is caused by an increased risk of miscarriage and the development of congenital malformations in the fetus.

Side effects

The drug "Movalis", like mostmedications, causes some side effects. When taking medication, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, belching, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation sometimes occur. At times, there is an increase in blood pressure, palpitations, swelling. Possible and negative manifestations of the nervous system: drowsiness, headache, dizziness, depression.

In addition, the preparation "Movalis", whose compositionincludes not only the basic active ingredient - meloxicam, but also auxiliary additives, can cause an allergic reaction in persons suffering from intolerance to certain components of this pharmaceutical preparation.

The drug "Movalis" (indications forapplication described above) should be taken with extreme caution by the elderly, the weakened patient, drivers and those whose work requires high concentration.

More detailed information about the preparation "Movalis"indications for use, contraindications, dosage, its interaction with other medications are described in the full instruction on the use of the drug.

Never forget about the harm and unpredictable consequences of self-medication. Any, even the most innocuous medicine, is best taken only after consulting a specialist.

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