/ / Hemorrhagic fever: symptoms, causes of the disease

Hemorrhagic fever: symptoms, causes of the disease

M.P. Chumakov described the disease back in 1944-1945. Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever was first discovered in the Crimea. Then it was found in Asian countries. Now the disease has spread to the CIS countries. The main symptoms of this disease are fever, pain in the joints and muscles, nosebleeds, acute abdominal pain, low blood pressure, the presence of blood impurities in the sputum, fainting, rashes on the skin, a feeling of dryness in the mouth, swelling separate parts of the body, acute pain in the vertebral and lower back.

Crimean hemorrhagic fever

Causes of ailment

The causative agent of the disease is hemorrhagicfever, "the symptoms of which have been described above, are arboviruses that enter the human body through ixodid ticks, insects are transported by domestic or wild animals, and the epidemic often occurs in the midst of agricultural work: summer is the beginning of autumn.

Course of the disease

The duration of the incubation period istwo weeks. In the initial stage of a disease such as hemorrhagic fever, symptoms are manifested by a sharp increase in body temperature - up to 40%, rapid fatigue, weakness, pain in muscles and joints, nausea, vomiting. After two or four days, the stage begins, called the hemorrhagic phase, which is characterized by a rash on the skin, nosebleeds, hemoptysis. There may be a delusional state. Diagnosis of the disease by finding a visit to a place where cases of hemorrhagic infection have been registered, and laboratory tests.

hemorrhagic fever symptoms

Complications of the disease "hemorrhagic fever",the symptoms of which you already know, are diseases of the kidneys, pneumonia, thrombophlebitis, etc. Otitis, the state of sepsis is also considered a consequence of infection in the human body. The patient should seek qualified medical care as soon as he has noticed signs of infection.

Congo Crimean hemorrhagic fever
Treatment of the disease

Hemorrhagic fever, the symptoms of which youfound, requires immediate hospitalization in the infectious department. After the examination, the doctor will make the necessary appointment. Usually it is antiviral and symptomatic therapy. At the very beginning of treatment, the patient should be administered an immunoglobulin vaccine, obtained from a patient who has been ill with this disease. In no case is it recommended to prescribe drugs that have a detrimental effect on the kidneys.

Preventive measures to avoid infection

As mentioned above, the Crimean hemorrhagicfever is a disease transmitted by mites that have fallen from animals to humans. Thus, the main preventive task is the acaricidal treatment of the locations of agricultural animals. To prevent infection in the human body, the vaccination method is used.

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