Demodex on face: symptoms and methods of getting rid of mites
Demodex on the face provokes the appearance of a rash,pimples. And the statistical data show that demodecosis is a very common disease. So what are the causes of the disease and can we get rid of it?
Demodex on face: causes
Immediately it is worth noting that demodekoz isparasitic disease. Its causative agent is a subcutaneous tick - demodex, which lives in the hair follicle and feeds on skin fat. The microorganism settles, as a rule, on the skin of the cheeks, chin, forehead and other places where secretion of sebum is intensified.
In fact, such organisms are oftenare found on completely healthy skin. After all, the presence of a parasite does not necessarily lead to the development of inflammation. This is closely related to the weakening of the immune system. People with oily skin are also at risk. In some cases, the activity of the tick can stimulate even some cosmetics.
Such parasitic microorganisms are isolated inskin tissue products of its own vital activity. In some people, these substances do not cause any symptoms, while others have an allergic reaction. Of course, demodex on the face can lead to redness and itching.
In addition, after 15-25 days the parasite dies, andits decomposition leads to the appearance of acne, as well as the activation of staphylococcal or streptococcal infection. By the way, you can catch the infection with close contact with the skin of a sick person, less often - when sharing towels, bedding, etc.
Demodex (photo) on the face: the main symptoms
Unfortunately, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish demodecosis fromusual acne. First, it is worth paying attention to the localization of the rash - most often the mite parasitizes only one area of the skin, and the pimples can be arranged in rows that describe the route of the parasite's movement.
As mentioned above, in the affected areasSkin can be seen redness and even puffiness. Difference of the disease is the presence of a very strong itch, which is absent in acne vulgaris. The appearance of pustules indicates the presence of a secondary bacterial infection.
How to treat demodex on face?
If you have the above symptoms, you should immediatelyAlso, go to a dermatologist. Demodex on the face, as well as on other parts of the body, is difficult to treat, so ignoring the problem or trying to eliminate the infection on your own can only aggravate the situation.
Therapy may last from 1 to 6 months. The course of treatment includes several stages. For the purpose of killing the mites, antiparasitic agents are used. Unfortunately, the body of the microorganism is protected by solid protective shells, which greatly complicates the process of therapy. In addition, the patient is prescribed therapeutic lotions, ointments, compresses, which gradually relieve inflammation, have antiseptic and analgesic properties, effectively eliminate itching and discomfort. It is mandatory to follow a diet with the exception of fat, spicy and spicy dishes. Cosmetic means should be selected only by a doctor, so from tonal creams and powders, most likely, will have to be abandoned.