What does the rash indicate on the hands?
In most cases, the rash is notdisease as such. Usually it is a reaction to an illness and the causes of it must be sought inside the body. But there are cases of external factors affecting the skin. So what are the various rashes?
Well, if you know the causesunexpectedly appeared rash. In this case, the disease will be diagnosed faster. But most people can not understand where the rash came from and how to get rid of it.
Strangely enough, but more often people appearred rash on the hands. Why is this happening there? Mainly due to the fact that the hands are part of the body that contacts various objects around us, many of which do not have a very beneficial effect on the skin. If you are sure that the rash is a manifestation of an allergy, do not waste time and money on various ointments and creams. These advertised drugs are likely to relieve you of only symptoms (discomfort, itching, burning), but they will not eliminate the very reason. Therefore, it is better to find out the etiology of allergy.
If the rash on the hands looks like a bubble, thentreatment is especially important. After all, such elements of skin damage can be observed with such serious diseases as multiform exudative erythema, red flat lichen, etc.
To find out the cause of the onset of rashesyou can with the help of an allergist or dermatologist, but first try yourself to analyze the latest events. Perhaps you ate new food, contacted any chemical substances, or took new medications for you? If you find out the reason, buy in any pharmacy anti-allergic type of suprastin and drink it. Does the rash and itching go away after seven days? So, you are not allergic and you should not take pills. It is possible that the rash is a dermatitis on the hands.
A small rash on the legs, as well as on the hands, can bemanifestation of allergy. But if the rash is accompanied by fever, poor health, vomiting, severe burning, itching or pain - immediately contact a doctor who prescribes the necessary medications. preliminary having spent inspection of integuments. After all, such symptoms can indicate many serious diseases that require urgent and, most importantly, the right treatment. Here are a few tips that will be helpful with such signs:
Try not to comb the affected areas of the skin. This further irritates the skin and accompanies the progression of the disease. It is also possible to attach secondary infection in places of scratching. This can create a gateway for the penetration of microorganisms;
Do not wet the affected surface;
in no case do self-medication and do not smear with gels, ointments, creams of any origin. All this can harm and only exacerbate the condition;
as soon as possible to seek advice from a specialist and use it to determine the diagnosis.
take seriously to the prescribed treatment and take care of your health.
It would be nice to use in this situationdecoctions of medicinal herbs. This is probably the only way that does not hurt, and if it does not help, it will not do it any worse. You can use chamomile (it removes irritation and soothes), celandine, St. John's wort, string. It is better if it is a decoction of several herbs. Rinse the affected area with a cold decoction. You can also use infusions and decoctions of herbs in the form of compresses: just moisten the gauze in the liquid, squeeze it slightly and put it on the skin.
Sometimes a rash appears on the hands due to heat,increased sweating. If this is really so and you completely rule out the allergy, but it will be helpful for you to cleanse the skin as best as possible. An inflammatory rash of this nature occurs when the pores of the skin are blocked, so it will be useful for you to soak in the sauna or bath, remove the layer of old skin with scrubs. For example, you can bring a mixture of honey with salt or coffee grounds to the bath.
Be healthy and keep your skin clean!