/ Bleeding after menstruation: a norm or pathology.

Bleeding after menstruation: the norm or pathology.

Bleeding after menstruation is one of the most exciting symptoms of a woman. Women and girls are interested in the question: this is the norm or pathology, and what to do in such situations.

You need to start from the very reasonof this symptom. Bleeding after menstruation can occur in perfectly healthy women and girls during the period of ovulation (the middle of the cycle). The cause of bleeding lies in this case in the hormones, at this time of the cycle their maximum number, therefore the endometrium of the uterus can bleed. However, it should be remembered that such bleeding lasts no more than 1-2 days, while they should not be abundant, and the volume should remain constant. If there is an increase in the number of secretions, then such bleeding requires observation, diagnosis and treatment. The norm is also the bleeding after ovulation, rather they can be called a daub. They are formed as a result of rupture of the follicle by the follicle of the ovary (if small vessels are involved, bleeding occurs). They, as a rule, are not plentiful and not long.

Bleeding after menstruation may occur intime of taking hormonal contraceptive drugs. Such bleeding in some cases can replace menstruation, but may occur after it. In most women, "contraceptive bleeding" in nature is similar to the last days of menstruation. They are also short and uninvolved.

There may also be bleeding after a period ofthe background of setting the intrauterine device, as well as if the woman overpowers the spiral. In this case, there is a mechanical traumatization of the endometrium of the uterus, as a result of which it can bleed.

A more serious reason forbleeding after menstruation - pathology of the pelvic organs (inflammatory diseases, tumors and erosion). Such bleeding not only requires treatment, but also in diagnosis. In the presence of pathology, bleeding becomes abundant, prolonged and does not stop (or hard stop) at home.

Sometimes women for emergency contraceptiontake postcoital drugs such as postinor. After taking such contraceptives, complications often occur, and the most frequent ones are bleeding. Bleeding after postinor is characterized by severe soreness and abundance. Sometimes it occurs against a background of fever and fever. In addition to bleeding, a woman may be troubled by disruptions in the cycle. After postinor, the menstrual cycle is very difficult to normalize, and often women need further supervision of the gynecologist.

Intermenstrual bleeding is treatedin accordance with the cause of the disease. If the cause is a violation of the hormonal status of a woman, then you can compensate for the condition by prescribing hormonal drugs. But before prescribing the drug, you need to make an extended analysis for the hormones of the thyroid gland and sex hormones. And after receiving the result and establishing a diagnosis, you can prescribe medications (this is done by a doctor). In a situation where the cause of bleeding is not clear, the treatment is symptomatic. It is necessary to stop bleeding, prescribe general health and vitamin therapy. At the same time, a woman must stay for some time in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

It should be noted that bleeding after menstruationhas become almost the norm for every woman. Especially it is necessary to know adolescent girls, whose menstrual cycle has not yet been fully established and intermenstrual smearing is more a norm than pathology. You do not need to panic at once about this and run to the intensive care unit, it's enough just to watch your body and if you have any new symptoms, ask for advice. However, there are cases of severe bleeding, sometimes threatening the patient's life. Of course, in such a situation it is better not to hesitate, but immediately seek help.

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