What are the hemispheres of the brain responsible for?
The human brain is the most complex and unexploreda biological mechanism that is responsible for the proper functioning of the body. The right and left hemispheres of the brain daily perform many complex tasks, which we do not even guess: from building logical chains to determining who is behind his back using his "sixth sense."
Depending on what a person does at a certain time, the work of one or the second hemisphere of the brain is conditioned.
The left side of the brain is responsible for the logicactions and thinking of the individual. It was the left hemisphere that was considered dominant in relation to its right side. However, recent studies have shown that the hemispheres of the brain can dominate one over the other, depending on the action performed. So, the left side is in the lead in the following cases:
- Speech communication. It is this side that is responsible for how quickly and correctly we write and read, remembers events, dates, facts and birthdays, as well as the ability to master foreign languages.
- Analytical thinking. Thanks to the same left hemisphere, a person can analyze the situation and it is logical to find a solution from it. Including the ability to exact sciences related to numbers, also depend on the development of this particular hemisphere of the brain.
- Understanding of words literally.
- Step-by-step processing of received information.
"However strange it may be, it is the left side of the brain that is responsible for the right side of the body, that is, if you lift up the right rug, it means the signal came from the left side.
If the left side of the brain is some very strict controller, the right side, on the contrary, is very windy and dreaming antipode.
The main specialization of the right hemisphere of the brain is intuition and that which can be weakly subject to logical or mathematical analysis.
- Recognition and communication on the verbal level, the subconscious ability to understand symbols, images and gestures.
Orientation in space.
- Ability to understand and interpretmetaphors. It is through the work of the right side of the brain that we understand the hidden meaning of someone else's phrase, and in the proverb "when the cancer on the mountain whistles" we understand the meaning of that this action will never happen.
- Imagination. All our dreams, fantasies and ideas about the future are born, arise and develop in the right hemisphere. Great science fiction and designers have developed precisely this part of the brain.
- Parallel processing of multiple threadsinformation. The right hemisphere of the brain allows a person to abstract from the situation and look at it from the outside as a single whole, without subjecting it to analysis.
- If you lift up the left rugu, then the signal came from the right side of the brain.
How to determine the dominant hemisphere?
The basis for the test for determining the leading hemisphere is the asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres.
With four simple exercises it is very easy to find out what is the leading role in your life - emotion or logic.
Exercise 1
Several times, put your hands in the lock, and notice that the thumb of which hand is always on top.
Exercise 2
Cross your arms over your chest and notice what hand is on top.
Exercise 3
Clap your hands, and remember which hand is more convenient to clap.
Exercise 4
Take any thin object in your hand and relate itwith any straight line in your house (door, window, monitor), alternately close one or the other eye. When you close the "leading" eye, the object in your hand will move away from the axis.
If in these exercises the leading party was the leading one, then you are more emotional than logical, if the right side was the same, then vice versa.
Development of the right hemisphere of the brain
Regardless of which hemisphere a person is leading, they can be developed. The simplest way is, as in sports, increasing the load on the area being trained.