/ Tachycardia in a child: causes, treatment. Children's Cardiology Center

Tachycardia in a child: causes, treatment. Children's Cardiology Center

More and more parents are beginning to notice thisdisease in their children, like tachycardia. At the child this illness is shown in the same way, as well as at adults. Moreover, it is not so rare. It is important to know and understand why heartbeat disorders occur in order to cure this disease in time. After all, in adult life it will necessarily make itself felt. Now a tachycardia can be defined already from the first days of a life of the child, even earlier. It is enough to conduct some simple procedures. This disease is not a sentence. It is not necessary to be afraid of it too much, but also to ignore it, too. So why can a tachycardia occur in a child? How to detect and cure it?

tachycardia in a child


To begin with, what kind of a disease is it? How does it manifest itself? Tachycardia is a common heart disease. And, as in children, and in adults. Accompanied by a violation of the heartbeat, in other words, this rapid heart rate. Very common phenomenon. It should be immediately said that sometimes it is considered the norm. For example, with strong physical exertion. So, you should not panic much. But you can not leave this disease without attention either.

Tachycardia in a child (and an adult too) alsocan also be accompanied by jumps of pressure with all "consequent" consequences. This is a heart disease that can not be treated by itself. If you can diagnose it yourself, then you can not cure it.

What happens

In total, there are two types of disease - sinus and chronic (paroxysmal). Depending on the type of illness, this or that treatment will be prescribed. How do these types differ from each other?

ekg to the child

Sinus tachycardia in a child is often consideredthe norm. It's just a heart palpitations. Infants generally have a tachycardia of this type - a normal state of the body. You can say a natural process, which is provoked by circumstances.

And here the paroxysmal tachycardia is alreadypathology. Cardiothorrhythm sharply, most often, is groundlessly increases, weakness and malaise are felt in the body. It arises quickly, in the same way it can pass. This type occurs in children of any age, most often the disease affects children from 5 years.


The heart of a child initially works faster thanadult. Therefore, it is often necessary to consult a doctor for the correct diagnosis. Just first you need to know how the disease manifests itself. It has already been said that the symptoms of the disease are no different from the "adult" variant.

With tachycardia, the pulse begins to increase in children,there is a general malaise, fainting, pallor of the face. Dizziness, pressure jumps, fainting and sweating are signs of an ailment. In addition, with tachycardia, lethargy, nausea, and shortness of breath are common. If the child has also complained of chest pain, know - he has a tachycardia. In principle, it is not so difficult to determine independently this affliction. But for treatment it is necessary to address in the cardiological center. Only there after certain manipulations you will be told exactly if your child is seriously ill or not.

cardiac center

Diagnosis of a doctor

Who should I contact if you suspect thatyour baby tachycardia? Only a cardiologist will help. It is this specialist that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases. Identification of the disease is carried out with the help of a specific study.

Which one? An ECG will be assigned to the baby. Just a few minutes - and you will know for sure if there is a tachycardia or not. It is this variant of diagnosis that best suits both children and adults. The procedure is absolutely painless.

If questionable results can be assignedrepeat procedure or even send your child to ECHO. This is another way to track heart disease. Maybe the baby does not have tachycardia at all. These two studies will help you to make out in full the diagnosis. Already after the cardiologist will appoint treatment.

chronic tachycardia


Well, tachycardia in a child of 7 years and moreearly age is not so rare. Recently, all people are exposed to this disease. And for that there are reasons. Why do children face this ailment? What are the true causes of the disease? From them, it should be noted immediately, depends on the treatment and success of the procedures.

For example, often tachycardia appears due to anxiety, emotional shaking, and also under physical stress. Such causes are not dangerous, they usually lead to a sinus type of disease.

But much more serious moments areheart defects (and other diseases of the cardiac system), as well as stress. Here you can also include anemia, endocrine diseases. Plus heredity is taken into account. If a pregnant woman had such an ailment, and when she was pregnant, she was not given rest, created stressful situations, then the child may have chronic tachycardia. It is not treated, it can only be relieved. In any case, you'll have to go to the cardiology center to get more accurate information about the treatment.

baby's heart


No matter how strange it may sound, but sometimestachycardia is adjusted by adherence to a special diet. She agrees with the cardiologist. From the diet of the child will have to remove certain foods and watch the changes for a while.

What can not be eaten with tachycardia? The child will be banned energy drinks, coffee, tea, chocolate, soda, sweet, salty and fatty. They also include sharp, floury food. Now only healthy food! Unfortunately, it is not always possible to comply with these rules. In fact, the child will actually have to eat food cooked for a couple. Moreover, adherence to a diet is not a guarantee of successful treatment. It is prescribed in order to maintain the body.

A course of treatment

You made an ECG to your child and found out that he had a tachycardia? It is not necessary to sound the alarm. Especially if it is not a chronic form of ailment. Remember, sometimes this phenomenon is normal. But how can it be treated?

As a rule, cardiologists with tachycardialimit physical and mental loads. In other words, no fatigue! It is also necessary to exclude stressful situations or reduce them to a minimum. Occasionally, sedatives are prescribed (valerian, for example), as well as medicines for vasodilation.

tachycardia in a child of 7 years

It can be said that all treatment is reduced to,that the body with all the forces provides peace of mind. Stress is the main source of most problems. And the child's tachycardia, with these simple rules, passes very quickly. But do not deal with self-medication, only a cardiologist will be able to prescribe the right treatment. Do not exclude classes in special health groups in the pool or gym.

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