/ / How to do a back massage and do no harm

How to do a back massage and do no harm

Today there are a large number oftypes of massage. Under the massage is understood the mechanical irritation of the body with the help of hands, feet or special appliances. At the end of the working day, people often have a feeling of discomfort in the form of "aching" pain in the muscles, the body loses its flexibility, that is, it begins to work inferior. A massage can help him out of this state. How to do a back massage and get a tonic and healing effect of this procedure, written a lot.

If you do not use professional servicesmasseurs, you can most easily master the simple methods of general massage. The most popular among all types of this procedure is to massage the back, and do it at home is not difficult. How to make a back massage? Such a question is natural for a person who first decided on such a step. On the back of a person there is a huge number of nerve receptors, connected with almost all parts of the body.

Therefore, the procedure of back massage gives a largebenefit and contribute to the improvement of the body. Classical back massage involves a certain sequence in the procedure, and it is usually not limited to one technique.

Massaged put on the stomach, hands putalong the trunk slightly bent at the elbow, head turned to the side. Under the ankle, if necessary, put the roller out of the elastic material. The masseur is usually located on the left side at the level of the hip joint lying.

Before the beginning of massage it is desirable to grease a backcream or oil. How to do a back massage and not hurt? Sliding movement of the palms from the neck along the spine. The next movement is carried out along the lateral surfaces to the shoulder joints. These movements should be repeated several times to ensure that the cream (butter) is evenly distributed throughout the back.

How to do a back massage? Usually, the following methods are used for this: stroking, kneading, rubbing, patting, chopping, vibration, etc.

The massage procedure begins with stroking. The direction of stroking from the sacrum to the neck, on the shoulder blades diverge. The stroking of the lumbar part begins toward the lymph nodes of the groin directly from the spine. When going over to the shoulder joints, you need to remember that the procedure starts with the shoulder opposite the turn of the head.

How to do a back massage before full relaxation? This is especially important when you go to the stage of kneading the muscles of the shoulder blade. In this case, it is necessary to collect and squeeze each individual parts of the muscles in turn around the scapula, the movements are performed in a circle. The next stage begins at the base of the neck. Movements are performed with thumbs gently, but with sufficient effort. Further, the back massage continues with the thumbs down along the spine.

Pushing points fast and strongly alongspine, fingers should move to the middle of the back, and then sliding back to the base of the neck. Massage around the scapula is that the fingers of one hand massage this area, and the other hand holds the shoulder from below. This procedure is performed by the method of kneading and pressing while moving down from the top of the shoulder. On the flat surface of the blade, the fingers make circular motions, the circle should be small.

To obtain the required result, eachThe reception must be performed several times. The back massage should last for 10 minutes before the feeling of relaxation. And the massed should not have a feeling of discomfort, and even more painful sensations. This is a prerequisite for spine massage. Before the beginning of sessions of massage it is necessary to consult at the doctor, tk. Massage, like any strong way of acting, has its limitations.

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